El Som to be a Guest on the Al Mascitti Show on WDEL

Filed in Delaware by on March 6, 2012

Tune in this morning to WDEL 1150 AM from 10 am to 12 pm to hear our very own El Somnambulo on the Al Mascitti Show. He tells me the name of John Atkins just might come up. He also tells me that another Democrat has filed to run in the Insurance Commissioner’s race. And it’s a new name. Tune in to find out.

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  1. MJ says:

    I’m listening.

  2. anon says:

    Speaking of elections, it looks like DOE has finally made its campaign finance system actually useful – and searchable:


  3. DE Idealist says:

    Still only 2 ballot qualified candidates in the Democratic Primary for Insurance Commissioner, Mitch Crane vs. Karen Weldin Stewart.


    Everyone else is just a pretender at this point.

  4. MJ says:

    And it seems that this Gallagher person that El S mentioned on Al’s show has some explaining to do. At last week’s Young Democrat’s meeting in Newark, he introduced himself to Mitch’s field coordinator. When she responded and told Gallagher what she did, his response was “Why are you working for a Jew?” She couldn’t believe what he said and said “what?” Gallagher repeated “Why are you working for a Jew?” Needless to say, she was extremely upset.

  5. “it looks like DOE has finally made its campaign finance system actually useful – and searchable:”

    GOOD! I just tried to look at PAC’s but realized I don’t have the exact names. This will be a great tool once I have a list of names to enter. Plus, candidates sometimes use an unfamiliar version of their name on reports. It will take some prep work to get this going.

  6. DE Idealist: In the arcane world that is Delaware elections, you need to check out ALL the county websites to get the info.

    For reasons that I do not understand, Gallagher is indeed listed as having filed for IC–but it’s on the Kent County website. Strange, since his zip is listed as 19808, but there you go. He’s officially filed for IC.

    Here’s the link:


    You then have to open an Adobe Reader file to get the list of candidates, but, I just checked, and Gallagher’s name is still there.

  7. DE Idealist says:

    El Som wins again.

    I bow before your wisdom 🙂

  8. DE Idealist says:

    Maybe he only wants to be on the ballot in Kent.

  9. It’s not wisdom. Just years of experience at ‘dealing with disfunctionality’.

  10. anon says:

    Let’s recap the Crane camp’s mudslinging about any potential obstacle to Mitch’s quest:

    Paul Gallagher=anti-Semite.
    Vincent White=loser, career politician.
    Karen=corrupt, incompetent.

    Judge Gallagher yourself. http://www.paulgallagherfordelawareinsurancecommissioner.com/

  11. MJ says:

    It’s not mudslinging when the quote is accurate, anon. Gallagher said what he did about Mitch to his field coordinator. And please link us to a quote from Mitch calling White a “loser, career politician,” and KWS “corrupt, incompetent.” Or don’t they have Google where you live?

  12. anon says:

    So the source for the smear is…the Crane campaign? Mitch is smart enough to leave most attacks to his surrogates…

  13. MJ says:

    I do not work for Mitch’s campaign. At least I do live in Delaware, anon. And you’re from where? And do tell, why isn’t Gallagher defending himself, or does he need surrogates to speak for him?

    We should probably beware of anyone who’s connected with some group calling themselves The Committee of 100. Sounds a bit Rmoney-like to me.

  14. Quite the auspicious debut you’ve made for your candidate, ‘anon’. Going right after the incumbent insurance commissioner Mitch Crane.

    Oh, wait…

  15. AQC says:

    I have been hearing some concerning things about Mitch’s arrogance toward some poeple who could be valuable supporters. I’m still supporting him, but cautiously. I hope to not have to decide on the “lesser of evils”.

  16. MJ says:

    AQC – you should talk directly to Mitch then if you have any concerns. In fact, if you have concerns about any candidate you’re supporting, you should talk directly to them.

  17. AQC says:

    I hope to. I’ve never actually met him but am going to try to find one of his events I can get to.

  18. cassandra m says:

    Email me, AQC, and I’ll make sure you get a meeting with Mitch — event or no, ok?

  19. anon says:

    According to you, the anti-Semitism allegation comes from Crane’s field coordinator. So it comes from a Crane campaign staffer. Rich.

    Why is Gallagher going to defend himself over every allegation? You know there are allegations out there about Mitch…I haven’t seen him issue any statements on them.

  20. MJ says:

    Anon – if you had any facts, you’d post them. Instead, you post bullshit about “allegations.” Put up or STFU!

    You’re about as in-tune with Delaware politics as Jon Moseley.

  21. capesdelaware says:

    For the record. I have NOT filed for Insurance Commissioner. I support MITCH CRANE .

  22. DE Idealist says:

    Dennis Spivack?

  23. AQC says:

    Mitch is supposed to be at the 18th RD meeting next week so I will meet him there.