Delaware Liberal

Republican War On Women – Crazy Arizona Goes Even Further

Simply stunning.  Arizona is an embarrassment.

Via TPM:

The bill doesn’t just aim to implement a Blunt Amendment-type law at the state level — it would also strike a protection from the books that forbids a religious employer from firing “an employee who independently chooses to obtain insurance coverage or prescriptions for contraceptives from another source.” That means that if women sought coverage outside of her employer plan, she could be fired, although that might conflict with other laws in Arizona that would protect women from such employer actions. [emphasis mine]

This is where we are heading, folks.  Even if a women wants to buy health insurance on her own, with her own damn money, her “religious” (and, boy, am I using that word lightly) employer can fire her.  Fire her.

Charles Pierce points out where the War On Women will head next…

How, in short, do we keep state laws from being made a mockery without the federal equivalent of a Fugitive Slave Law? And we all know how well that worked out the last time.

Well, it turns out that the House of Representatives has come to our rescue. This law pertains to minors, but you have to be completely naive to believe that, if the Supreme Court turns the issue back to the states, there won’t be an identical one slouching out of the House within a month. Down the line, some woman, seeking to exercise what once was a constitutional right to choose, is going to end up as the new Dred Scott, and we all know how well that worked out the last time, too.

Yep, I can see it happening.

Take a look at what commenter fightingbluehen said today concerning abortion… “In the unlikely event that the far right crazies ever are successful in what you fear, you can always move to another state. That’s the beauty of having states and states’ rights.”

Perhaps the GOP sent out a memo?  Seriously, it sounds like this idea is being tossed around in Republicanville.

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