To be fair, Tony Deluca has his supporters. John Daniello and those who make up the party appartus adore him. And to be fair, where did a lot of the progressive legislation that was pasted in 2009, 2010 and 2011 originate? The Senate. In large part, Deluca has kept the desk drawer shut whereas his predecessor used it with glee. And as a result, Deluca has support among a lot of the party faithful. It explains why 44% approval rating, 39% of which strongly approve of his performance. Then you flip the coin that is Deluca and you get the other side. The double dipping. The federal investigation. The arrogance. The vindictive leadership. The redistricting fiasco. Which is why 56% disapprove of his performance, 52% strongly.
Do you approve or disapprove of the job performance of Senator Pro Tem Tony Deluca?
Strongly Disapprove — 52%
Strongly Approve — 39% of all votes
Disapprove — 4%
Approve — 5%
Undecided / Unsure / Meh — 0%
Total Votes: 110. Started: March 13, 2012
Next up in the Leadership polling is man who is as invisible as Deluca is visible. Gary Simpson, the Senate Minority Leader.