Delaware Liberal

Wednesday Open Thread [3.14.12]

Shockingly, there are no new primary or general election polls to parse today. To feed the polling addition, here some new Presidential approval polls, which tend to show the CBS poll was an outlier.

For the first time since early July, a new Reuters/Ipsos poll finds more Americans approve of the job President Obama is doing than disapprove, 50% to 48%. A new Bloomberg poll and a new PPP poll both show Obama’s approval at 48%.

Also check out this op-ed in the New York Times:

TODAY is my last day at Goldman Sachs. After almost 12 years at the firm — first as a summer intern while at Stanford, then in New York for 10 years, and now in London — I believe I have worked here long enough to understand the trajectory of its culture, its people and its identity. And I can honestly say that the environment now is as toxic and destructive as I have ever seen it.

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