Let’s Check Back in on the Ad War.

Filed in National by on March 17, 2012

First, the full release of the President’s 17 minute Campaign introduction: The Road We’ve Traveled.

After seeing that, I am afraid Romney, Santorum and Gingrich shrink in stature by comparison. But let’s check on their and their Super PAC’s ads, and I think we have some DNC and Obama ads in there as well:


CRAIG ROMNEY: “I am Craig Romney. The United States represents liberty, opportunity, where anything is possible. My father, Mitt Romney, believes in those values because he has lived them. He has a plan to create jobs. And, together with the leaders of Puerto Rico, will fight to get the economy of the ‘island of enchantment’ going again. That is why Governor Luis Fortuño is supporting my father, Mitt Romney, to be our Republican nominee for President of the United States.”
GOVERNOR LUIS FORTUÑO: “Mitt Romney is the only candidate with a history of economic growth and job creation like what we have started in Puerto Rico. Romney is committed to include the island in his plan to create jobs. On Sunday, get out and vote in the Republican primary for Mitt Romney.”
MITT ROMNEY: “I am Mitt Romney and I approve this message. Thank you very much.”

The two-sided flyers aim to succeed where previous Democratic messaging campaigns have failed: to convince women voters in key general election battlegrounds that the law is laden with cost-saving benefits specially for them, and that the savings could be quickly lost if a Republican wins the White House. “You may now get many of your preventive care services for FREE,” reads one DNC flyer in big bold lettering. “Without co-pays, thanks to America’s New Health Care Law,” it adds in highlighted text. Another piece heralds “3 WAYS America’s New Health Care Law is Helping You and Your Family.” It touts future parity for women with insurance premiums, an end to lifetime benefits caps, and the ability to let children remain on their health plans until age 26.

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