Delaware Liberal

DL is a site for fighting DEMOCRATS…

that’s why we should consider voting for this guy:

Andrew Groff of the Green Party instead of the execrable Tom Carper. Oh I know…I can hear the whimpering already… “but, what if Carper’s feelings are hurt? What if it gives the race to Smooth-like-Suede, Kevin Wade?”

C’mon. Wade. Please. We all know that there is no way in hell Carper does not cruise to re-election. As a wise man once said, “In a Democracy, if there is nobody you can vote FOR, you are morally obligated to vote AGAINST someone.” I think that was Gandhi who said that perhaps Edison, I’m not sure. Just let the truth of it ring in your ears for a second.

Okay then. Progressives who says that they don’t like Carper because of his shittiest in Congress voting record, can now band together. Instead of shaking our little fists in impotent rage. We can shake our little fists in ever so slightly less impotent rage.

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