Delaware Liberal Tracking Poll Results — Gov. Markell (Round 2)

Filed in Delaware by on March 20, 2012

So now, for the first time, we get to compare a set of results, the first taken over a month ago, on February 15, and the second taken yesterday. The numbers in parenthesis below are the Feb. 15 numbers. So what happened? Markell’s approval rating has increased 7 points, from 63% in February to 70% now. And in those numbers, the strength of his approval increased. 32% strongly approved of him in February, 41% strongly approve of him now. Meanwhile, the Governor’s disapproval numbers remains the same. 27% disapproved of him in February, 26% disapprove of him now. Not a bad month for the Governor.

Do you approve or disapprove of Governor Jack Markell’s job performance?

Strongly Approve — 41% (32%)
Approve — 29% (31%)
Strongly Disapprove — 16% (8%)
Disapprove — 11% (18%)
Undecided / Unsure / Meh — 3% (11%)

Total Votes: 90 Started: March 19, 2012

Next up, Lt. Governor Matt Denn

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  1. Jason330 says:

    That thumbnail pic should be called, “The Apotheosis of Jack”.

  2. Idealist says:

    Those numbers don’t seem to make sense.