Delaware Liberal

Late Night Video — Mississippi Conservatives And Their Delusions About President Obama

….and their delusions about the government. This is remarkably sad to watch:


The poorest state in he US is the most conservative. A thing that is a clear outlier everywhere else in the world — where the poorest people are some of the most reliably liberal of left leaning. So how is it that the government is supposed to value families? Before St. Ronnie, government policy was all about putting its thumb on the scale for middle class families. He started the dismantlement of that policy which middle class families feel pretty clearly right now. And he replaced that policy with one that puts its thumb on the scale for America’s businesses and its wealthiest. Somehow, these reliable conservatives don’t seem to mind that other people are getting very rich at their expense. So they content themselves with feeling that they value their families or their God more than everyone else does and that is the thing that somehow makes it all better. Of course, they have to ignore alot of liberal people who value their own families and their own God and ignore the fact that alot of the needs of the poor people in that state get paid for by the liberals in Blue States who send alot of money to this poor state to cover all of the government programs they disdain.

Mississippi gets $2.73 back in benefits for each dollar they pay in taxes. A damned good deal for people who are that contemptuous of government and its services.

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