Delaware Liberal

Tuesday Open Thread [3.20.12]

The polling front is quiet, since Romney is going to romp tonight in Illinois. The only other polling info we have is some horrible Rasmussen Razzlies:

NATIONAL (Rasmussen Tracking): Obama tied with Romney (46-46); Obama d. Santorum (49-43); Obama d. Paul (48-38); Obama d. Gingrich (50-40)
MISSOURI (Rasmussen): Romney d. Obama (50-41); Santorum d. Obama (51-42)

And even if Romney wins every delegate going forward, it will be a long time before he clinches. From Chuck Todd:

The earliest Mitt Romney could win the 1,144 delegates needed to capture the GOP nomination, per our count is May 29, and that’s assuming he wins every single delegate after today. If you assume that he wins a 60%-40% split of the remaining the delegates, Romney won’t get to 1,144 until June 26, when Utah holds its primary. And if Romney and Rick Santorum continue to trade victories as they’ve been doing over the past month — with Santorum winning his demographic strongholds and Romney winning his — Romney would fall about 50 delegates short of the magic number, according to our math.

OPEN CONVENTION!!! SARAH PALIN COMPROMISE NOMINATION!!! No, no, God does not love me that much.

Here is a chart worth contemplating:

Some other open thread tidbits:

President Obama’s re-election campaign announced this morning that it raised $45 million in February. That’s up from $29.1 million in January. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee raised over $5.31 million in February, and has $19 million cash on hand, without any debts.

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