Tuesday Open Thread [3.20.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 20, 2012

The polling front is quiet, since Romney is going to romp tonight in Illinois. The only other polling info we have is some horrible Rasmussen Razzlies:

NATIONAL (Rasmussen Tracking): Obama tied with Romney (46-46); Obama d. Santorum (49-43); Obama d. Paul (48-38); Obama d. Gingrich (50-40)
MISSOURI (Rasmussen): Romney d. Obama (50-41); Santorum d. Obama (51-42)

And even if Romney wins every delegate going forward, it will be a long time before he clinches. From Chuck Todd:

The earliest Mitt Romney could win the 1,144 delegates needed to capture the GOP nomination, per our count is May 29, and that’s assuming he wins every single delegate after today. If you assume that he wins a 60%-40% split of the remaining the delegates, Romney won’t get to 1,144 until June 26, when Utah holds its primary. And if Romney and Rick Santorum continue to trade victories as they’ve been doing over the past month — with Santorum winning his demographic strongholds and Romney winning his — Romney would fall about 50 delegates short of the magic number, according to our math.

OPEN CONVENTION!!! SARAH PALIN COMPROMISE NOMINATION!!! No, no, God does not love me that much.

Here is a chart worth contemplating:

Some other open thread tidbits:

President Obama’s re-election campaign announced this morning that it raised $45 million in February. That’s up from $29.1 million in January. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee raised over $5.31 million in February, and has $19 million cash on hand, without any debts.

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  1. Rustydils says:

    Unfortunately for President Obama, however much cash he raises, it won’t be enough.

    Romney will by and large wrap up the nomination by May 6th, a little more than six weeks from now. At that point, even though the other canidates currently say they won’t concede, they will. That will give Romney a full 6 months to make his case to the American People against President Obama. That will be plenty of time

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Mitt Romney as had seven years (the length of time he has been running for President) to make his case to Republicans and conservatives as to why he should be President, and he has failed. 70% of his party consistently vote against him.

    So what makes you think he can convince Americans in 6 months?

    Remember, it is not enough to be against the President. We liberals and Democrats learned that lesson in 2004. You have to win over Americans. Romney will fail at that worse than Kerry.

  3. X Stryker says:

    Gotta love that “Yes We Can” spirit, Rusty. I suppose 6 months is plenty of time for Romney to change all of his positions back to electable ones. Of course, that also leaves plenty of time for hiring to continue growing as it has for the past 24 months.

  4. Geezer says:

    “That will give Romney a full 6 months to make his case to the American People against President Obama. That will be plenty of time”

    There will also be plenty of time for the supposedly liberal mainstream media to start fact-checking the pure bullshit Romney spews in every speech. If 70% of Republicans won’t believe his bullshit, what makes you think anyone else will?

    In general, you can tell a conservative has nothing when he starts making puffed-out-chest predictions like yours. The behavior of conservatives is completely familiar to anyone who has raised a teen-ager.

  5. Geezer says:

    By the way, on defense spending: Once you factor in military-related spending (energy dept. nuclear weapons, veterans affairs benefits, homeland security’s anti-terrorism stuff), the total exceeds $1 trillion.

  6. V says:


    head’s up Pandora!

    looks like we pay more for pretty much everything; from haircuts, to razors, to deoderant, to home loans.

    you know, in addition to the trans-vaginal probe thing.

  7. pandora says:

    Thanks, V! Not sure I can get to it today, but I will try!

  8. liberalgeek says:

    I heard a rumor last night that someone else is going to jump in the County Executive race. None other than Tom Gordon thinks that NCC has forgiven and forgotten.

    Keep your eyes peeled here:


  9. cassandra m says:

    I’ve heard that, too, LG. Which is pretty amazing given the trouncing he got for this against Chris Coons. But then his calculus might be who do NCCo voters dislike *least*.

  10. liberalgeek says:

    yeah, the devil we know v. the other devil we know.

    And our source might be the same one…

  11. cassandra m says:

    Our source may be the same. I also heard it from another source this morning.

  12. cassandra m says:

    Anyone following the pink slime business? The specially processed beef discards that are being mixed into ground beef and sold to us? Here is an article that details (you have to go to the end of it) which stores won’t sell pink slime beef and which are.

  13. Idealist says:

    Don’t get me started on pink slime and what is in our food. I know McDonalds, Burger King, and Taco Bell stopped using Pink Slime in their burgers a few months ago.

    One of the strongest arguments against unbridled capitalism is the drive to efficiency and disregard for food safety and animal rights in factory farming from a small group of corporations that control most of what you buy at the local grocery store.

  14. cassandra m says:

    The USDA told schools recently that they could opt of getting the beef mixed with pink slime (if they were getting USDA beef)but the slime-free beef won’t be available until fall. It is pretty appalling that the food industry fights against disclosure of the contents of their products.

  15. Idealist says:

    If you haven’t had a chance to watch Food Inc yet, I highly recommend it.

  16. Jason330 says:

    Delaware women’s b-ball on espn2 right now. Delware leads Kansas 12 to 8, after coming back from beng down 5 to 0.

  17. Rmoney says:

    “Don’t get me started on pink slime and what is in our food. I know McDonalds, Burger King, and Taco Bell stopped using Pink Slime in their burgers a few months ago.

    One of the strongest arguments against unbridled capitalism is the drive to efficiency and disregard for food safety and animal rights in factory farming from a small group of corporations that control most of what you buy at the local grocery store.”

    Yes McDs, BK, TB have stopped using soylent pink but it is now showing up in school cafeterias. So which is worse unbridled capitalism or government caring for our children?

  18. Jason330 says:

    Delaware 37 Kansas 31 at the half. Kansas doing a good job keeping Della Donne aoff balance, but picking up a lot of fouls in the process.

  19. Idealist says:

    Returning all 5 starters next year. Hopefully they can build on their historic season and get even further next March.

  20. Geezer says:

    Only if Tina Martin learns how to coach by then.

  21. Jason330 says:

    Yeah. They were out coached.

  22. cassandra m says:

    Safeway says it will stop selling pink slime adulterated beef.

    Not sure when they’ll stop, but they say they will stop.