Delaware Liberal Tracking Poll Results — Lt. Gov. Matt Denn (Round 2)

Filed in Delaware by on March 21, 2012

87 people voted in the last poll on Lt. Gov. Matt Denn exactly one month ago, and 88 people voted today. In that span, Denn’s approval rating has dropped 8 points, from 73% to 65%. Now, I might be a little concerned if 1) the approval number of 73 wasn’t astronomically high to begin with and 65 is still damn good and 2) this was a real scientific poll and not a non-random internet poll. Plus there is no rhyme or reason to the drop, since Governor Markell’s approval rating over the same time period shot up even higher.

Do you approve or disapprove of the job performance of Lt. Governor Matt Denn?

Strongly Approve — 52% (55%)
Strongly Disapprove — 17% (15%)
Approve — 13% (18%)
Disapprove — 11% (7%)
Undecided / Unsure / Meh — 7% (5%)

Total Votes: 88. Started: March 20, 2012 (February 20, 2012 poll numbers in parenthesis)

Next up for Round 2: Jason’s favorite Senator in the whole wide word, Thomas Carper.

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  1. anon says:

    Denn who? He never speaks out against the corporatism of Carper, Carney and others. He has not said a word about DeLuca. He was a progressive insurance commissioner but sold out in 2008.

  2. Geezer says:

    Sold out? Your head is up your ass.

    First off, of course he hasn’t “spoken out” against the leadership of his party. That would end his political career. Wanting politicians to “speak out” in ways that would satisfy you but spell doom for the politician is something idiot conservatives do.

    Second, what makes you think he’s progressive in the first place? He’s a centrist Democrat so far as we know.

  3. Jason330 says:

    We’ve had a rush of Republicans posting as a Democrats. It will probably continue to build through the elections since they have nothing, and I mean nothing, to run on.

  4. puck says:

    We’ve had a rush of Republicans posting as a Democrats.

    And that’s just in the Senate.

    I’ll take my rimshot now.