Delaware Liberal

Wednesday Open Thread [3.21.12]

Mitt Romney is your nominee. Or then again maybe not. The sound of the celebrations of the Republcan side is …. is….. deafeningly quiet. I would more describe it as a half interested groan. Even though Mitt Romney has no real meaningful opposition, he may still fail to capture a majority of the delegates until June, unless of course Santorum and Gingrich drop out and endorse Romney now, and that is not going to happen. So given that, I would have to say Mitt Romney is the weakest presidential nominee on the Republican side since Wendell Wilkie.

NATIONAL (Gallup Tracking): Romney 34, Santorum 30, Gingrich 13, Paul 10
LOUISIANA (Magellan–R): Santorum 37, Romney 24, Gingrich 21, Perry 3, Paul 3, Roemer 3, Bachmann 2, Huntsman 1

An interesting tidbit from a PPP poll:

Q: Has the Republican presidential primary given you a more favorable or less favorable impression of the Republican Party, or has it not made a difference?
More favorable: 14
Less favorable: 57
No difference: 26
Not sure: 2

NATIONAL (Rasmussen Tracking): Obama d. Romney (46-45); Obama d. Santorum (48-43)
NEVADA (Rasmussen): Obama d. Romney (50-44); Obama d. Santorum (52-36)/ If Obama is winning Nevada by this much in a Rasmussen poll, then Nevada is no longer a swing state. It is a safe blue state.
VIRGINIA (Quinnipiac): Obama d. Romney (50-42); Obama d. Santorum (49-40); Obama d. Paul (49-39); Obama d. Gingrich (54-35). And Virginia is starting to look like a safe blue state as well.


MASSACHUSETTS (PPP): Elizabeth Warren (D) d. Sen. Scott Brown (R), 46-41
VIRGINIA (Quinnipiac): Tim Kaine (D) d. Fmr. Sen. George Allen (R), 47-44.

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