Pro-Life Female Republican Senator Breaks With GOP, Sides With Planned Parenthood

Filed in National by on March 22, 2012

Uh oh.  Looks like there’s a crack forming in the ranks of the GOP.

HUTCHISON: We cannot afford to lose the Medicaid funding for low-income women to have health care services. We cannot. We can’t keep turning back federal funds that every state gets and then try to find money in our budget, which is already being cut in key areas like education. I do think that the governor needs to sit down with the federal government and work it out so that we can have our share — our fair share not more — of money for Medicaid to help low-income women have their health care services.

TODD: So it sounds like you think he should not be excluding Planned Parenthood?

HUTCHISON: I think Planned Parenthood does mammograms, they do so much of the health care — the preventive health care and if they’re doing that, we need to provide those services, absolutely.

Okay, the “if” in the last sentence is wishy-washy.  Hutchinson knows what services Planned Parenthood provides.  Somebody must have realized they couldn’t win without women.  Although, given all the lady part bills, I’m thinking that the women have left the GOP building.

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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. MJ says:

    She has nothing to lose. She’s not running for re-election and she lost the primary for governor. Her political career in Texas is over.

  2. pandora says:

    Even more reason for her to 1) say nothing, or 2) speak her mind.

    If I were a Republican politician, I’d take her words as a warning to back off.

  3. socialistic ben says:

    Hutchison also said in that interview that the attack on women was about religious freedom… so she hasn’t TOTALLY broken with teh crazy