Delaware Liberal

Breaking News: Obama is Still Black

WASHINGTON – Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus released the following statement:

“The one thing that all of our current national problems and concerns have in common is that Barack Obama is, nearly four years after having been elected, still black,” said RNC Chairman Reince Priebus. “We will be working hard to take the fight on health care reform and other issues directly and aggressively to Barack Obama, who is still a black man.”

“The enthusiasm of our grassroots supporters is predicated on the fact that Obama was and continues to not be white, and we intend to highlight that fact.”

“At the RNC, we remain committed to getting the word out about Obama still being black. We take seriously the trust our supporters have placed in us and the important task before us. From now until Election Day, we will work non-stop to ensure America voters know that a vote for Obama is a vote for a black man.”

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