Last month, John Carney had a 56% approval rating and a 32% disapproval. Those were approval numbers that any politician would have happy with. This month, the results are much more mixed. Carney has a 46% approval rating and a 44% disapproval rating.
Do you approve or disapprove of the job performance of Congressman John Carney (D)?
Approve — 29% (34%)
Disapprove — 25% (12%)
Strongly Disapprove — 19% (20%)
Strongly Approve — 17% (22%)
Undecided / Unsure / Meh — 10%Total Votes: 112. Started: 3/23/12 (Prior Poll: 2/17/12)
Next up is a poll that I did not perform last month, because the subject is not really a “Delaware official up for election” anymore. But he is “Delaware’s own Joe Biden.”