Delaware Liberal

NRO: Women Using Birth Control and Family Planning are Part of a “Suicide Cult”

I normally don’t visit the Crazy Corner (Yes, that is a link to crazy town, so consider yourself warned), but this article exposes the Conservative mindset vividly.  Michael Walsh is counting the numbers in a them vs us game and is panicked that his side is losing.  That’s really all this article is about – women deciding when to have children is a dangerous thing we need to stop, feminists have secretly formed a suicide pact to wipe out civilization, and the browning of the world population.

On the one hand — as NRO’s resident demography bore has been tirelessly pointing out — the Western world is facing an unparalleled demographic crisis brought on by a feminist-inspired modern twist on Lysistrata (showering sex but withholding children), while at the same time, the West’s vaunted “safety net” is collapsing because the system has been turned upside-down and a bevy of great-grandparents now coos over a single child.

Surely, this is the ultimate expression of the suicide cult that is the modern Left, a subset of libertine takers that so loathes itself that it will dragoon the makers into underwriting the chalices of tasty hemlock it’s so eager for everybody to quaff in order to put itself out of its misery. If, as long as it doesn’t hurt anybody, it feels good, do it! Alas, it does hurt somebody — it hurts society, by robbing it of its future and burdening those lucky kids who make it through the contraceptive/abortifacient gantlet with an unpayable debt to the very people who tried to get rid of them.

Oh, those evil feminists.  How dare they try and destroy the Western world!  Western world?  Hmm… what is different about the Western world?  Any guesses?

We really are heading toward every sexual act must be performed with an attempt to procreate.  Next up… enforcing that goal in a way that goes far beyond abortion and birth control.

Don’t believe me?  Then read this passage that follows this statement:  …women of child-bearing age demand that somebody — insurance companies, Washington, the pope in Rome — pay for universal contraceptive and abortion services in the name of “women’s health.” (Love the scare quotes, by the way.)

If this is not the definition of a suicide cult — one driven by the leftist insistence that sexual license be, well, licensed by the state, non-judgmentally and consequence-free — it’s hard to know what is. The Shakers had nothing on these people; at least they made furniture. But it’s what comes from treating pregnancy as a preventable disease, and viewing people as carbon-based pollutants instead of beings created in the image and likeness of God.

And while that’s a whole lotta crazy, we should pay attention because Mr. Walsh has laid out the Conservative agenda – Sex must have consequences.  Women are cheating by using birth control to avoid gifts from god.  This must be stopped.

BTW, the next time a Republican waxes lyrical about personal responsibility… point and laugh.

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