1% or 3%, as if that matters. Remember, families making more than $200K are “rich” according to Obama. I’m sure the ‘occupiers’ of this property make well above that.
“Remember, families making more than $200K are “rich” according to Obama.”
According to a vast majority of people, actually, for the simple reason that they are. And I don’t have much sympathy for their “struggle” to “make ends meet.”
And no, it’s not envy. I wouldn’t want the money, I don’t want the house (and the upkeep) and I have no desire to live that lifestyle. I just refuse to take seriously the tears of the top 1%, or the top 3% for that matter, in the face of the problems faced by the rest of us.
Jason330 good memory, you did go to a Kahunaville party there. That was back in the good old days when the Kahunaville guys wanted to build a semi pro ice hockey rink on the waterfront.
Somebodies house on Bancroft Parkway
Somebodies house on Rockford Park.
Some wealthy liberal elite’s house on Kentmere Parkway in Wilmington…the 1%.
The 1%? It looks more like the 3% to me.
Corner of Kentmere and Bancroft near the Delaware art museum.
I think I was there for a Kahunaville party once.
Fighting Blue Hen is right.
I was being sarcastic…
1% or 3%, as if that matters. Remember, families making more than $200K are “rich” according to Obama. I’m sure the ‘occupiers’ of this property make well above that.
Well maybe if you hadn’t parked your truck in front of it, it would have looked more attractive.
But there’s a big difference between the 1% and families making just more than $200K. Many of the latter struggle to make ends meet.
Yeah, thirty five years ago, you would have seen me skateboarding with the Scherer brothers (RIP Bucky) in and around this area.
“Remember, families making more than $200K are “rich” according to Obama.”
According to a vast majority of people, actually, for the simple reason that they are. And I don’t have much sympathy for their “struggle” to “make ends meet.”
And no, it’s not envy. I wouldn’t want the money, I don’t want the house (and the upkeep) and I have no desire to live that lifestyle. I just refuse to take seriously the tears of the top 1%, or the top 3% for that matter, in the face of the problems faced by the rest of us.
Jason330 good memory, you did go to a Kahunaville party there. That was back in the good old days when the Kahunaville guys wanted to build a semi pro ice hockey rink on the waterfront.
Somebody needs to revive the dream of the semi pro ice hockey team on the waterfront.
When I hit the mega millions, that’s what I’ll do.
Well maybe you oughtta build another Kahunaville to go with it. You know–fertile land for others’ dreams ;).