Archive for March, 2012

Friday Daily Delawhere [3.9.12]

Filed in Delaware by on March 9, 2012 3 Comments
Friday Daily Delawhere [3.9.12]

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Fat White Guys and Women

Filed in National by on March 8, 2012 14 Comments

Over the past week, we’ve had two excellent posts by Pandora on the rethuglican’s war on women.

Well, I guess our resident mysoginist, WGMD’s Colley the Fatman felt left out, because he had to add in his two cents.

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The War On Women Rages On

Filed in National by on March 8, 2012 34 Comments

Remember that mandated ultrasound bill Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell ran away from? It’s back, in revised form, and signed into law.

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Thursday Open Thread [3.8.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 8, 2012 19 Comments

On the Gingrich front, he is conceding Kansas to Santorum, and concentrating on Alabama and Mississippi. If Gingrich doesn’t win those states, he is out.

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Andrew Brietbart was Killed for This?

Filed in National by on March 8, 2012 20 Comments

The video inside shows Barack Obama in a 1990 video at Harvard protests in favor of the cause of Professor Derek Bell and the hiring of more minority faculty members. Isn’t it amazing that Obama sounds and looks exactly the same (sans afro today). Obviously Obama has a time machine.

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Is There A Tipping Point When It Comes To Charter Schools?

Filed in National by on March 8, 2012 52 Comments

Charter schools have moved front and center in the education debate, mainly due to the announcements over the past month. First, there was the donated BofA building slated to house charter schools. This school would hold approximately 2,000 students. Then there was the expansion of Newark Charter School. Once fully operational, this school would hold an estimated 2,300 students. Odyssey Charter moved into the spotlight with its expansion plan. Projected enrollment: 1,716. That’s a lot of charter. The question is… Is there a tipping point when it comes to Charter Schools and how they impact traditional Public Schools?

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Delaware Liberal Tracking Poll Results — Vincent White

Filed in Delaware by on March 8, 2012 9 Comments

Officially, the only two filed candidates in the Democratic Primary for the Insurance Commissioner’s Race are incumbent incompetent Karen Weldin Stewart, Mitch Crane, and in Kent County, this Gallagher fella. Where is Vince White? Who is Vince White? You can find out here. Whomever he is and wherever he is, he has a 44% disapproval rating, and another 33% who don’t know who is or don’t care. He has only a 24% approval rating.

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [3.8.12]

Filed in Delaware by on March 8, 2012 3 Comments
Thursday Daily Delawhere [3.8.12]

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Wednesday Open Thread [3.7.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 7, 2012 9 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [3.7.12]

So Mitt Romney won Ohio barely, and only at the last second. Not a compelling narrative for his candidacy. He also ended up winning Virginia (where only Ron Paul was his competition), Vermont (neighboring state to his home state), Massachusetts (where he was Governor), Idaho (where there are Mormons) and Alaska. Santorum won Oklahoma, North Dakota and Tennessee. Gingrich won Georgia.

So what’s next?

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Delaware Liberal Tracking Poll Results: Mitch Crane

Filed in National by on March 7, 2012 24 Comments

This is no surprise: Mitch Crane is overwhelmingly popular in a DL poll. He gets a 71% approval rating, with only 23% disapproving. His only obstacle to defeating Karen Weldin Stewart is too many other opponents. Because if the race was just Mitch v. Karen, Mitch would destroy her in a Markellian landslide. But if you divide the anti-Karen vote between Vincent White, some Gallagher candidate, Dennis Spivack (what?), and Mitch Crane, then Karen wins with her measly 30% of the vote. So the question must be posed to Mr. White, Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Spivack: When did McDowell pay you and how much was the check?

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [3.7.12]

Filed in Delaware by on March 7, 2012 2 Comments
Wednesday Daily Delawhere [3.7.12]

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City of Wilmington Trying to Shut Down Your Freedom to Assemble

Filed in Delaware by on March 6, 2012 5 Comments

On March 7, 2012, there will be a meeting of the City’s L&I Committee that will take up changes to City Ordinance 12-010 that look specifically targeted at the Occupy Delaware folks and will generally restrict the freedom of Wilmington residents to assemble, unless the government pre-approves your assembly. It also lets them pre-approve the time, the place, the duration, the financial capability of the group (in getting the insurance), and other factors that might restrict your ability to protest or even to petition the government for redress.

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Public Hearing For Newark Charter School Moved To Larger Venue

Filed in Delaware by on March 6, 2012 4 Comments
Public Hearing For Newark Charter School Moved To Larger Venue

he Public Hearing for Newark Charter School has been moved from the Townsend Building to a larger venue to accommodate greater public participation. The new location is the Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control (DNREC) Auditorium. It is within walking distance from the DDOE (approximately a ΒΌ mile). Attached are the directions and revised public notice. We will have signage posted at DDOE and staff available to redirect constituents and give them directions to the new building. Please share this update with your constituents. We will start the hearing 15 minutes later to allow for the transition.

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