Delaware Liberal

DL Tracking Poll Results — Sen. Chris Coons (Round 2)

You know, none of these polls have varied wildly as you would expect internet polls. Last month, Chris Coons had a 70% approval rating. This month he has a 73% approval rating. Last month, he had a 16% disapproval rating. Now it is 22%.

Do you approve or disapprove of Senator Chris Coons’ job performance?

Strongly Approve — 39% (41%)
Approve — 34% (29%)
Strongly Disapprove — 11% (5%)
Disapprove — 11% (11%)
Undecided / Unsure / Meh — 4% (14%)

Total Votes: 71 Started: April 4, 2012 (February 24, 2012)

Next up, is the Republican opposition. Last month, I somehow forgot to poll Kevin Wade, who is challenging Sen. Tom Carper. So he is first.

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