DL Tracking Poll Results — Sen. Chris Coons (Round 2)

Filed in Delaware by on April 5, 2012

You know, none of these polls have varied wildly as you would expect internet polls. Last month, Chris Coons had a 70% approval rating. This month he has a 73% approval rating. Last month, he had a 16% disapproval rating. Now it is 22%.

Do you approve or disapprove of Senator Chris Coons’ job performance?

Strongly Approve — 39% (41%)
Approve — 34% (29%)
Strongly Disapprove — 11% (5%)
Disapprove — 11% (11%)
Undecided / Unsure / Meh — 4% (14%)

Total Votes: 71 Started: April 4, 2012 (February 24, 2012)

Next up, is the Republican opposition. Last month, I somehow forgot to poll Kevin Wade, who is challenging Sen. Tom Carper. So he is first.

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  1. Publius says:

    “You know, none of these polls have varied wildly as you would expect internet polls.”

    Of course, I’ve never seen your analytics for first-time visitors, but there seems to be a pretty regularly engaged readership. Unless I’m mistaken, the total votes are also pretty similar as well? Shouldn’t be too surprising.