I get that Republicans don’t understand biology, but this is nuts.
Life starts earliest in Arizona, which now defines gestational age as beginning on the first day of a woman’s last period, rather than at fertilization. In practice, that means the state has banned abortions after about 18 weeks (20 weeks from the last menstruation) except in the case of medical emergencies.
According to this law all women could be considered pregnant, even if they aren’t or even if they haven’t had sex yet. It’s the Immaculate Conception Law! Don’t believe me? Then consider this: A woman is a virgin (or hasn’t had sex for several weeks) during her period. Approximately two weeks later she has sex and becomes pregnant. According to Arizona Law she was pregnant on the first day of her last period. It’s a flippin’ miracle!
Not to mention that there are all sorts of societal restrictions/pressures on pregnant women. Could Arizona bars and restaurants refuse to serve women alcohol because the law says every woman is pregnant before she is actually pregnant? Sounds silly, but I’ve been in restaurants where other patrons and staff have chastised a pregnant woman who ordered a glass of wine. Perhaps women shouldn’t be allowed on rides that carry a warning at an amusement park? Or women can no longer buy cigarettes? Or all women will have to take prenatal vitamins?
Unthinkable, right?