Delaware Liberal

Wingnut Blather Collides With The Real World on the Dover City Council -or- David Anderson Gets a Civics Lesson

Wingnut blather about tax cuts and “austerity” sound good on the campaign trail, but as the Dover City Council’s resident Teapartier, David Anderson, just found out, enacting brainless wingnut economic theories is much easier said than done.

When faced with breaking his wing-nut blood oath campaign pledge on raises, or doing the right thing for the citizens of my home town – Anderson flushed his campaign promise faster than you can say, “Read my lips…”

In classic wingnut fashion, Anderson explains that breaking his promise is not really breaking his promise. Also, he is real serious about the promise…from now on.

As for last year’s campaign promise, Anderson said he was sticking to his pledge for no raises across the board with the city facing a deficit worth an estimated $1.7 million for the 2013 fiscal year.

“I believe that for the next fiscal year we need to see zero raises,” he said.

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