Obama Leads Romney 10 to 1 in Fundraising

Filed in National by on April 21, 2012

Though this would  normally be good news, there are two issues we need to be concerned about: big donors aren’t there right now and Super PACs. As MSNBC reports:

Obama For America, the president’s re-election account, ended last month with about $104 million in cash on hand; Romney, by contrast, reported having just over $10 million in cash on hand at the end of March.

But all that money doesn’t mean Obama doesn’t need donations. As The New York Times writes:

From Wall Street to Hollywood, from doctors and lawyers, the traditional big sources of campaign cash are not delivering for the Obama campaign as they did four years ago. The falloff has left his fund-raising totals running behind where they were at the same point in 2008 — though well ahead of Mr. Romney’s — and has induced growing concern among aides and supporters as they confront the prospect that Republicans and their “super PAC” allies will hold a substantial advantage this fall.

So, if you were thinking of donating, do so at barackobama.com


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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