Early Morning Video: Slow Jammin’ The News

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on April 25, 2012

Last night President Obama was on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. You can watch the interview here, but you can start with President Obama Slow Jammin’ The News.


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Idealist says:


  2. Jason330 says:

    The Barack-ness Monster. lol!

  3. Jason330 says:

    Reading this morning’s roundups, it appears both Democratic and Republican strategists are banking on voters coming up with the correct answer to this question, “Who is responsible for the shitty economy?”

    Republicans will argue that the President’s “failed” stimulus package, and lack of never regarding spending cuts is the culprit. Democrats will argue that stingy short sighted billionaires are cutting off investments in infrastructure and economic growth.

    I think the facts support the Dems, but the Republicans have been good salesmen for their nonsense.

  4. cassandra m says:

    That was hilarious. I can’t believe either of them kept a straight face.