Delaware Liberal

Back to the Future

Is the 2012 Presidential contest a mirror of the election of 2004?

Jonathan Chait writes:

The parallels between this year’s presidential election and the one we had eight years ago are striking. Incumbent president with middling approval ratings faces rich guy from Massachusetts with a reputation for flip-flopping. Hilarity ensues. By “hilarity” I mean, specifically, that people get extremely worked up about a series of procedural controversies, and then the two parties trade places on them the next time around.

Chait looks at the use of Air Force One, flip-lopping, the politicizing of foreign policy, and other issues. He finishes by saying that the GOP does have an almost innate ability to make a mountain out of a molehill.

It does seem that, at least so far, the Republican Party has a greater capacity than the Democrats to generate outrage over something they find perfectly fair when their side is doing the same or worse. Still, Democrats are hardly immune. And it’s worth it for liberals to keep this in mind: Remember how outraged you felt eight years ago, when the president was exploiting his incumbency for reelection and tearing down his opponent? That’s how Republicans feel now.

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