Delaware Liberal

School Board Elections Are Political

I haven’t really commented on the upcoming School Board elections, mainly because I can’t wrap my head around what’s going on.  With all the attention on these races – phone polls, money, PACs – I keep feeling I’m missing something – Big.  What is going on?  What’s on the line?  And why the hell is so much money being dumped into an election that, I predict, will still have a dismal turn-out.

Basically, what’s the agenda?  For the life of me I don’t see it.  Yeah, I get the split is between Charter and Choice (Ed reformers) supporters vs Traditional Public School supporters, but that’s hardly new.  What’s new are the aggressive tactics being employed and the money being spent.  All of this keeps me wondering… Am I missing something about these races; something that makes them vitally important?  Is something major about to change depending on who wins these elections?  If so, what?

But… whether I’m missing something, or not, one conclusion I’ve reached (and have said before) is that School Board Elections need to be moved to the General Election in November.  They are political.  They are important, and they effect everyone – probably more so than most elected offices.  And this year they are hotter than ever.

As usual, Kilroy, Delaware Libertarian, Delaware Way, The Mind of Mr. Matthews and Transparent Christina are all over these stories, and well worth your time to read.

And if you have an answer to my questions… please share.

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