Archive for April, 2012

GOP Reeling From Catholic Bishops Rebuke

Filed in National by on April 18, 2012 9 Comments
GOP Reeling From Catholic Bishops Rebuke

The Conference of Catholic Bishops called on Congress “to create a ‘circle of protection; around poor and vulnerable people and programs that meet their basic needs and protect their lives and dignity.” John Boehner replied, “But . . . but . . . but . . . . but . . “

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Tell John Carney to support the WORK Act, so every mother in American can make the same choice Ann Romney did.

Filed in National by on April 18, 2012 7 Comments
Tell John Carney to support the WORK Act, so every mother in American can make the same choice Ann Romney did.

Now that Republicans have flip-flopped on their decades-long denigration of mothers and decided that staying at home to raise children is work—or at least, it’s work when Ann Romney does it; poor mothers, not so much—House Democrats are telling them to put their money where their mouth is. Ryan Grim at Huffington Post reports: A […]

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Wednesday Open Thread [4.18.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 18, 2012 11 Comments

“Many progressive donors think President Obama has it in the bag. But he doesn’t even have it in the shopping cart yet, much less in the bag.” Paul Begala, in an interview with Greg Sargent, saying Democratic donors need to step up. To illustrate that point, Romney has gotten a post-primary bounce. All polls, even yesterday’s CNN poll shoiwng a 9 point Obama lead, show improvement for Romney.

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DL Tracking Poll Results — Sher Valenzuela (R) (Round 2)

Filed in Delaware by on April 18, 2012 1 Comment

Last month, 44% of our poll takers did not know who Sher Valenzeula was. After her official campaign announcement with running mate Jeff Cragg, that number has dropped to 13%, and in so doing, raised her favorable rating from 11% last month to 25% this month. That’s the good news. The bad news is that her unfavorability rating has increased as well, from 48% to 61%.

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Dreaded Details: On Chopping Away at the Federal Government

Filed in National by on April 18, 2012 10 Comments
Dreaded Details: On Chopping Away at the Federal Government

The Republicans find it difficult to campaign on chopping away at the Federal government. Let’s be honest here, Bush created one of the largest government agencies ever – the Depart of Homeland Security.

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Wingnut Blather Collides With The Real World on the Dover City Council -or- David Anderson Gets a Civics Lesson

Filed in Delaware by on April 18, 2012 6 Comments
Wingnut Blather Collides With The Real World on the Dover City Council -or- David Anderson Gets a Civics Lesson

Wingnut blather about tax cuts and “austerity” sounds good on the campaign trail, but as the Dover City Council’s resident Teapartier, David Andersen, just found out, enacting brainless wingnut economic theories is much easier said than done.

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Romney Continues to Tolerate Campaign Surrogate Who Threatened to Kill President Obama

Filed in National by on April 18, 2012 11 Comments
Romney Continues to Tolerate Campaign Surrogate Who Threatened to Kill President Obama

Romney campaign surrogate and very mediocre rocker, Ted Nugent, is full of violent wingnut fantasies concerning the President.

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Gov. Markell Stop Executing People

Filed in National by on April 18, 2012 7 Comments

Gov. Markell, it’s time for you to stop executing people in Delaware. Just stop it now. Shannon Johnson is scheduled to be executed on April 19, 2011. This will be Jack Markell’s second execution since taking office.

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Santorum Frightened of Romney, Truly

Filed in National by on April 18, 2012 9 Comments
Santorum Frightened of Romney, Truly

Rick Santorum sent out a campaign letter which just arrived to voters in Iowa that he is frightened of Mitt Romney. It truly frightens me to think what’ll happen if Mitt Romney is the nominee. You can read the letter here. It should also be noted that as of Monday, Santorum has not endorsed Romney.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [4.18.12]

Filed in Delaware by on April 18, 2012 1 Comment
Wednesday Daily Delawhere [4.18.12]

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Dear Pennsylvania

Filed in National by on April 18, 2012 5 Comments

Dear Pennsylvania: Okay, we toyed with filing a tax extension, you know to be like Mitt. However, better judgement took over and we electronically filed over the weekend. But Pennsylvania, did you have to text us at 5:22 AM that you “received” our taxes? Much Thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Nemski

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Obama continues to hold a commanding lead on the Iowa Electronic Markets

Filed in National by on April 17, 2012 2 Comments
Obama continues to hold a commanding lead on the Iowa Electronic Markets

I had expected Obama’s IEM numbers to come back to earth a little bit once Romney locked up the GOP nomination. That isn’t happening, although the gap is certain to narrow as the well lubricated and financed GOP smear machine gets going in high gear. BTW – I used my awesome photoshop skilz to underscore […]

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Book Review: Rachel Maddow’s “Drift”

Filed in National by on April 17, 2012 1 Comment
Book Review: Rachel Maddow’s “Drift”

I was lucky enough to carve out some time over the last week to read Rachel Maddow’s Drift. The book main thesis is about how the Executive Branch’s penchant for secrecy around military adventures – okay, let’s call them wars – is a real, real bad thing. And, more importantly, how the United States has […]

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