Archive for April, 2012

Why Allen West Will NOT Be Romney’s Running Mate

Filed in National by on April 10, 2012 8 Comments

The Fix has an interesting post cataloging the reasons why Rep. Allen West (R-Florida) will not be Romney’s pick as his vice-presidential candidate. There are many, but probably the most damning is the one that got West relieve of his command in the Army.

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DL Tracking Poll Results — Tom Kovach (R) (Round 2)

Filed in Delaware by on April 10, 2012 0 Comments

Sorry, I was so busy yesterday and tired from the Easter weekend that I stood up my colleague Nemski for dinner. I completely forgot. So it makes sense that I forgot to post the latest round of tracking poll results from the weekend. Last month, Mr. Kovach, a candidate for the Republican nomination for Congress, enjoyed a 49% favorable rating and a 37% unfavorability rating. This month, both of his ratings have increased. His favorability rating has increased to 50%, and his unfavorability rating is 40%.

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Santorum Gives Up

Filed in National by on April 10, 2012 9 Comments

BREAKING NEWS: Santorum suspends campaign.

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Tuesday Open Thread [4.10.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 10, 2012 2 Comments

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds President Obama has double-digit leads over Mitt Romney on who would do a better job of protecting the middle class, handling international affairs and dealing with health care. On personal traits, the president’s edge is even bigger: He has a better than 2-to-1 advantage as the more friendly and likable of the two, and nearly that margin as “more inspiring.”

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Della Donne Throws Out First Pitch

Filed in Sports by on April 10, 2012 0 Comments

And with the ceremonial first pitch at the Phillies game, the University of Delaware’s Women’s basketball season comes to an end.

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Hearings Today on the DART Plan to Move the Rodney Square Bus Hub

Filed in Delaware by on April 10, 2012 7 Comments

Those hearings are at 11:30AM and at 5PM at the Carvel Building in downtown Wilmington. The current DART plan remove all of the bus stops at Rodney Square and then scatter them around on King, French, Shipley, Ninth and 12th streets. Which makes it very difficult for people to transfer between lines and provides a real disincentive for people to use the buses.

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Cantor Exacts His Revenge

Filed in National by on April 10, 2012 1 Comment

Is the Party of the Failed Confederate States beginning to thin its ranks?

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Instant News Also Means Instant Lies

Filed in National by on April 10, 2012 3 Comments

It must be true since I read it on TwitterFacebookG+Pintinterest.

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No Bananas For You

Filed in Delaware by on April 10, 2012 2 Comments

If you live in northern New Castle, you saw plumes of black smoke billowing out from near the Port of Wilmington on Sunday. Well, it’s Tuesday, and firefighters are still fighting this fire. Work has come to a standstill as they still try to contain and put out this fire.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [4.10.12]

Filed in Delaware by on April 10, 2012 4 Comments
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [4.10.12]

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Monday Open Thread [4.09.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 9, 2012 11 Comments

In the national GOP’s eyes, Delaware is most definitely an ophan state, as the state GOP here is in disarray, if not in outright war with itself. But then again, save Tom Kovach and the U.S. House race, since the state GOP has utterly failed at recruiting any credible candidates to challenge Sen. Carper, Gov. Markell and Lt. Gov. Denn, I wonder if the RNC will even bother with Delaware. Since the GOP has the House majority without Carney’s seat, they are unlikely to spend money in a state that will guaranteed to go Democratic in the fall, and which has a favorite son on the Presidential ticket.

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Obama’s Approval Rating Up Slightly

Filed in National by on April 9, 2012 0 Comments
Obama’s Approval Rating Up Slightly

Though, it’s not very much, it appears as if there is a trend here as Obama’s numbers continue to move up. I guess we need to that the Republican War on Women and the Democrats finally fighting back.

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Is Romney Being Ironic?

Filed in National by on April 9, 2012 1 Comment

Or maybe, Romney slept through 2008 and 2009.

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