Archive for April, 2012

The One Where The Liberals Blame Obama For Everything

Filed in National by on April 9, 2012 4 Comments
The One Where The Liberals Blame Obama For Everything

President Obama may have many faults, but not being a spokesperson for Liberalism is not one of them. Three years later, Eric Alterman forgets everything Obama has done and blames him for everything he hasn’t done.

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The Narrow Recovery

Filed in National by on April 9, 2012 1 Comment

Robert Reich writes that the recession is over . . . for the rich.

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Monday Daily Delawhere [4.9.12]

Filed in Delaware by on April 9, 2012 3 Comments
Monday Daily Delawhere [4.9.12]

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Who Are The Centrists?

Filed in National by on April 9, 2012 0 Comments

In Paul Krugman’s column today on the fallacy of Paul Ryan,Krugman asks, “Who are the centrists?”.

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A Look at How Red State Welfare Queens Operate

Filed in National by on April 8, 2012 39 Comments

Texas is one of those places that personify the whole Red State BS — lots of bluster, belligerence and general bellicosity on being self-reliant, not feeding at the government trough and all of that other hooey about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and not relying on the government.  Bloomburg has a great article called, Texas-Sized Safety Net Supports County Voting 83% Against Obama.

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A Journalistic Titan Is Gone

Filed in National by on April 8, 2012 0 Comments
A Journalistic Titan Is Gone

Mike Wallace, one of the original hosts of 60 Minutes, has died. He was 93. In an essay for CBS News, Morley Safer, a “60 Minutes” correspondent, recounted his colleague’s career thusly: Wallace took to heart the old reporter’s pledge to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. He characterized himself as “nosy and insistent.” […]

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Derbyshire Fired for Racist Rant

Filed in National by on April 8, 2012 18 Comments
Derbyshire Fired for Racist Rant

The National Review, the paragon of level-headed thinking and non-racist writing, has fired John Derbyshire for his racist rant, The Talk. Here’s a snippet from horrible piece: (10a) Avoid concentrations of blacks not all known to you personally. (10b) Stay out of heavily black neighborhoods. (10c) If planning a trip to a beach or amusement […]

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You Can’t Talk About Cutting Spending Without Talking About Cutting Spending

Filed in National by on April 8, 2012 0 Comments
You Can’t Talk About Cutting Spending Without Talking About Cutting Spending

Last week President Obama called Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-Wisconsin) budget “social darwinism” which caused Ryan’s head to figuratively explode and he responded with a Twitter tirade. But as Ezra Klein points out in his wonderful piece about Ryan’s budget that “his numbers stop at the water’s edge” of giving real examples or any specifics. Consequently, […]

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Franchise Tax Revenue Not Keeping Up With Spending

Filed in National by on April 8, 2012 7 Comments
Franchise Tax Revenue Not Keeping Up With Spending

Jonathan Starky (@jwstarkey) has good article in today’s New Journal about what potentially would be a boring article to many except readers of this blog: “Revenues keep dropping in key state income source: Corporation fees falling as businesses decide not to go public”. Delaware’s franchise tax is the state’s primary source of that corporate taxation, […]

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Easter Sunday Daily Delawhere [4.8.12]

Filed in Delaware by on April 8, 2012 4 Comments
Easter Sunday Daily Delawhere [4.8.12]

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Governor Markell’s Weekly Address

Filed in Delaware by on April 7, 2012 0 Comments

Governor Markell’s weekly address on STEM.

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President Obama’s Weekly Address

Filed in National by on April 7, 2012 0 Comments

For millions of Americans, this weekend is a time to celebrate redemption at God’s hand. Tonight, Jews will gather for a second Seder, where they will retell the story of the Exodus. And tomorrow, my family will join Christians around the world as we thank God for the all-important gift of grace through the resurrection of His son, and experience the wonder of Easter morning.

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Tea Party Teabagging the GOP

Filed in National by on April 7, 2012 11 Comments
Tea Party Teabagging the GOP

When a group is founded solely on the hatred towards one man and the media stops reporting on the group’s idiotic rantings, it turns out that the Tea Party is actually beginning to harm the Republican Party.

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