Archive for April, 2012

Santorum’s Daughter Hospitalized

Filed in National by on April 7, 2012 2 Comments

Rick and Karen Santorum’s 3 year-old daughter was hospitalized yesterday. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family.

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Romney, Taxes, and the American People

Filed in National by on April 7, 2012 9 Comments
Romney, Taxes, and the American People

Romney’s campaign has said that the two years of the candidate’s tax returns they have released is “sufficient” and meets the law. Good for him, not good for the American people.

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Stupid Things Men Say (Part II)

Filed in National by on April 7, 2012 7 Comments
Stupid Things Men Say (Part II)

Republicans say the most marvelous things.

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [4.7.12]

Filed in Delaware by on April 7, 2012 6 Comments
Saturday Daily Delawhere [4.7.12]

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President Obama’s Easter Message

Filed in National by on April 6, 2012 4 Comments
President Obama’s Easter Message

What follows is an excerpt from President Obama’s remarks at the Easter Prayer Breakfast earlier this week.

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Chag Kosher V’Sameach

Filed in International by on April 6, 2012 5 Comments

That’s the traditional Passover greeting – a Happy, Kosher Passover. Tonight, Jews around the world will sit down with family and friends and recount the story of the Exodus from Egypt thousands of years ago. I’m not passing judgement on whether this is a true story or not (and I ask that you don’t either in the comments), but it is a typical Jewish holiday – they tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat.

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Tomorrow’s News Today: Levin Hangs Out in Dover

Filed in Delaware by on April 6, 2012 2 Comments
Tomorrow’s News Today: Levin Hangs Out in Dover

A look into the future as Alan Levin makes another discovery.

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Santorum Staffer’s Dick is in the Wind

Filed in National by on April 6, 2012 2 Comments
Santorum Staffer’s Dick is in the Wind

Sometimes the headlines just write themselves.

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Good Friday and Passover Open Thread [4.6.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 6, 2012 2 Comments

Today is going to be a slow day. It’s Good Friday and the first night of Passover, and a lot of people are busy observing the holiday. If you are one of them, may you have a blessed day. Check out this year’s best political viral meme: Texts from Hillary. And then enjoy some neat videos.

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Manic Moves and Drowsy Dreams

Filed in National by on April 6, 2012 0 Comments
Manic Moves and Drowsy Dreams

Mitt Romney thought it would be a good idea to mock President Obama about being out of touch. Scott Lehigh of The Boston Globe has a little advice for Romney on his current course of action.

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How Not To Fight Graffiti

Filed in National by on April 6, 2012 20 Comments
How Not To Fight Graffiti

Does Delaware opt for stiffer penalties for those convicted of graffiti or do we think of another way?

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The Republican War on Women in Gory Detail

Filed in National by on April 6, 2012 4 Comments
The Republican War on Women in Gory Detail

The definition of the Republican War on Women heated up yesterday with Reince Priebus’ remark that compared women to caterpillars, President Obama saying the Augusta should allow women members and recent polling that shows a huge gender gap between Obama and Romney. As much as the GOP and the Washington Post say that there is no war on women, there is as Rachel Maddow shows us. Below the video is a transcript of the segment if you want to read along instead.

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Delaware Political Weekly: March 31-April 6, 2012

Filed in National by on April 6, 2012 12 Comments

This was quite a week. While I wish that this had happened two years ago, I am psyched that Charles “Trey” Paradee has decided to run again. You may recall that Paradee almost knocked off Pam Thornburg in this Kent County 29th District back in 2008. In fact, initial results indicated that he had. Willis has established himself more effectively than most during his first two years, IMHO. However, this has all the earmarks of a competitive race. This oughtta be fun.

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