Archive for April, 2012

Campaign 2012: Swing State Employment Up

Filed in National by on April 23, 2012 0 Comments

In good news for President Obama, employment numbers in swing states are on their way up.

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Wilmington Mayor’s Debate — Social Justice Edition

Filed in Delaware by on April 23, 2012 3 Comments

Last Monday night, the candidates running for Wilmington Mayor met at the New Destiny Fellowship Church to take questions from members of the Black Clergy Consortium. All of the candidates showed for this debate, except for Robert Marshall, who, in spite of telling lots of people he’s really in, is looking like he may not have the stomach for it. Selara Gatewood was also at this event, and this was probably the first time people got a chance to see and hear her.

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Ken Grant is one of the sane DE Republicans? Really?

Filed in National by on April 23, 2012 7 Comments

He claims to be, and yet Grant plans to vote for Gingrich and has taken to facebook to explain why. His feeling were hurt by Romney or something. So, c’mon y’all – let’s vote for an utter maniac!! That sounds good.

Who can figure out Republicans these day? I sure can’t. Take Gingrich for example. What’s with Gingrich’s Delaware Strategy? He is planning on using Delaware as a springboard back into legitimacy? Seriously. What’s the deal?

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Daily Delawhere [4.23.12]

Filed in Delaware by on April 23, 2012 4 Comments
Daily Delawhere [4.23.12]

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Romney Going All Neocon

Filed in National by on April 23, 2012 0 Comments
Romney Going All Neocon

In looking at the federal budget, Governor Romney is favoring guns over butter in his fight to reduce the deficit. You know after he taxes the middle class and not his friends.

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New Castle County Rezoning: A Boon For Developers?

Filed in Delaware by on April 23, 2012 0 Comments
New Castle County Rezoning: A Boon For Developers?

The New Journal is reporting this morning that the New Castle County Council is seeking a last minute vote to make a broad change the use of land in the county.

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Late Night Video: Santorum Aborts Campaign

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on April 22, 2012 4 Comments
Late Night Video: Santorum Aborts Campaign

Special thanks to commenter V for bringing this to our attention.

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Interview with Rodney King

Filed in National by on April 22, 2012 0 Comments
Interview with Rodney King

Twenty years after the LA riots, the Los Angeles Times sits down with Rodney King in a very thoughtful interview.

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Secret Service Gone Wild

Filed in National by on April 22, 2012 3 Comments
Secret Service Gone Wild

As the Secret Service has been working at improving its image of the last few years, the recent scandal in Colombia isn’t’ helping that much. The Washington Post has a good article on the supervisor, when hearing of the problem at the Hotel El Caribe took bold and decisive action.

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Sunday Open Thread [04.22.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 22, 2012 2 Comments
Sunday Open Thread [04.22.12]

Sunday’s grey open thread.

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The GOP Set To Continue Its War On Women

Filed in National by on April 22, 2012 4 Comments
The GOP Set To Continue Its War On Women

As the Republican Party has been scrambling to show that they really like women — okay only conservative women —, they are about to lose another battle as the vote against the Violence Against Women Act.

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Vetocracy: The State of Paralysis

Filed in National by on April 22, 2012 5 Comments
Vetocracy: The State of Paralysis

Thomas Friedman asks if America can get anything done

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Super PACs Make a Corrupt System Even More Corrupter

Filed in National by on April 22, 2012 4 Comments

Senator Ted Kaufman writes in today’s Opinion pages about how the Super PACs corrupted the Republican primary this year.

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