Delaware Liberal

Rmoney’s Leadership Skillz

Gawker has a wonderful post that examines Mitt Romney’s leadership skills in the face of the Grenell resignation. You know, the leadership skills that Romney always says he has, yeah, those he didn’t display this week.

This might just be saucy, shabby sexual politics, but Romney’s pitch to the American people is “LEADERSHIP” and capable management. When Romney’s being charitable to Obama, he uses codewords to call him stupid (“in over his head”) while championing his own expertise. Given his campaign approach, it’s significant that the three natural responses to the Grenell matter are all negative:

  • Romney had to hire, hide and accept/”encourage” the resignation of a man who was a political liability because of his noxious tweets, which shows basic managerial incompetence.
  • Romney had to hire, hide and accept/”encourage” the resignation of a man who was a political liability because he was gay, which shows managerial incompetence because Grenell not only disclosed his man-love-bona fides, but Romney also somehow overlooked the fact that he represents the homophobia party.
  • Romney lacks a leader’s resolution, is willing to run from association with someone who served in the Bush administration and is willing to have his moneyed, lockstep electoral juggernaut stopped short and sent skittering rightward from some “Signs of Evil Countdown” evangelical radio meathead with a whopping 1,400 Twitter followers.
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