Truthsquadding the Lies
Team Obama has a Truth Squad and they are responding the the Romney Campaign lies. This one pushes back against the Koch Brothers Big Oil ad buy — all $6.1M dollars of that buy. So they can keep their tax breaks. Watch, it’s good:
One wonders where they’ve been the last 3 years.
It’s a good thing we dems aren’t accepting any support from GE or GM, because that would look like hypocrisy.
The Squad is bad ass, and they better be. The Koch bros have billions that they are ready to pour into this election.
@Jason330, perzactly. Ain’t no such thing as a fair fight. Bout time you got something correct 😮 😉 I’m still going to flame you, stand by for strongly worded email.
I think that by calling themselves The Truth Team they might be confusing the Republicans.