Veep: The Old Adventures of a Recycled Sitcom

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on May 4, 2012

Meh. Seriously, meh. You’ve got Julia Louis-Dreyfus playing Julia Louis-Drefyus and somehow Buster Bluth got a job in DC. Veep is so bad it’s almost making me not want to watch Aaron Sorkin’s “The Newsroom”


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. socialistic ben says:

    WHAT?! I love this show. IMO is as good of an Americanization of a hilarious British sitcom as is the Office.

  2. MJ says:

    I watched the first episode and was totally turned off. Seemed as though every other word in the script was “fuck.” It just wasn’t funny.

  3. socialistic ben says:

    It offended your virgin ears? I was going to suggest a movie called “In the Loop” Movie based on the TV series “In the Thick of It” Both hilarious…. they feature a character who seems to be the British Rham…… but when you consider there are actually people (like Rhambo) in government who cant go 4 words without an F-bomb….

  4. Geezer says:

    SB: The character in “In the Loop” was based on a real British guy who was indeed their version of Rahm.

  5. socialistic ben says:

    Was he? that’s pretty cool. see, im really immature and laugh at gratuitous profanity as long as it’s fucking witty.

  6. Que Pasa says:

    Overused F-bombs?

    Kinda like when Geezer loses his cool.

  7. MJ says:

    QP – you remind me of that Dan Quayle quote, what a waste it is to lose one’s mind.

    SB – it would have been much funnier without the f-bombs. Seems that the writers couldn’t figure out anything funny or witty, so they just said “fuck it.”

  8. socialistic ben says:

    Maybe they are trying to portray the behind the scenes aspect of washington as a foul-mouthed back stabbing locker room?

  9. auntie dem says:

    I really wanted to like Veep. So far, not so much.

  10. nemski says:

    auntie dem, I give it a few more watches, but I don’t see it improving anytime soon. Let’s face it, the bar is “West Wing” and they aren’t even coming close.

  11. socialistic ben says:

    devil’s advocate….. or, the only person who likes it…
    given the joke of a political culture we have…. which show is probably closer to reality? not, which show do you wish real life looked more like…. but which one probably gets how it really is? Also, West Wing wasnt intended to be a comedy… this clearly is… THat is like saying “well, Colbert is no O’Reily”

  12. nemski says:

    @sb, True enough. Maybe Tanner would have been a better example.

  13. socialistic ben says:

    Cant argue with you on that one.

  14. auntie dem says:

    Jeb Bartlet we miss you.