Delaware Liberal

Power of Teachers

The National Education Association, in celebration of National Teacher Day and National Teacher Appreciation Week, is asking Americans to recall at least one great teacher they’ve had. I’ve been lucky in my life to have had several and currently my son in the Brandywine School District has had many as well.

Mr. Praetzel was my high school physics teacher and he eschewed the dryness of 70s physics education make the class that everyone enjoyed. Instead of using dry questions regarding weights, velocity and acceleration, he used various examples that peaked our interest and most of them involved Wiley Coyote trying to drop an anvil one the the speedy Road Runner. Just this simple way of presenting the laws of physics made his class an exceptional time in my life.

As I look at my son’s current crop of teachers, there are two that will stick out forever in his life. Both of these educators teach outside the box and both make their classes exciting and new. How do I know? Because my son actually talks to us about these two classes and the fun things that the teachers do. I believe both teachers have made a significant imprint on my son so that he’ll be always excited about getting an education.

If you care to add use the comments to write about a teacher who mean something in your life.

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