Delaware Liberal

An Equal Opportunity Push Poll in the NCCo Executive Race

I just got push polled by an outfit that I think was called Voter Research. The call came from a Newark, DE number (302-894-7627) that, of course, is “not a working number” according to the automated message you get when you call it back. The poll starts off asking if you are planning to vote in the primary on September 11, 2012. You have to press 1 for yes or 2 for no. I pressed one. The poll then asked if I was planning to vote for 1) Tom Gordon, 2) Paul Clark or 3) Undecided.

The pollster seems to forget that there is another candidate in the race, i.e. Bill Shahan, but then again maybe not (you will see why I say that in a minute). If my choice is between Gordon and Clark, I am not undecided. I would vote for Clark. So I pushed 2. Now, I forget the precise wording here, but I was asked if I knew about ethical violations concerning Paul Clark and his wife’s law firm, would I change my vote to Gordon? I was only given two options: 1) for yes, 2) for no. I decided to play a game here, because I suspected if I answered 2, that would be the end of the call, and I suspected that if I hit 1, I might hear some more about my new choice. So I pressed 1.

My suspicions were confirmed. I was then asked if I knew about the 2007 plea bargain that Gordon took to avoid more serious corruption charges (again, I forget the precise wording there), would I change my vote again. I was given 1) for yes, and 2) for no. I answered 1.

And that was the end of the call, which no information as to who paid for the call.

Who is behind this call? My first instinct says Shahan, since the call reveals very damaging information about both Clark and Gordon. But that can’t be since I highly doubt he has the funds for such a call at this time.

Could Clark and/or Gordon be behind it, testing out each other’s weaknesses? Sure. How about the Republicans? Or an interested third party trying to get a handle on voter intentions regarding two flawed candidates. If I had to bet money, I would bet Paul Clark is behind the call. I don’t think Clark views Shahan as a credible threat at this time, but I think he is weary of Gordon.

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