Delaware Liberal

DBSR membership and other info

I’ve taken some inquiries on membership info for “Delaware Businesses for Social Responsibility,”  a business advocacy group dedicated to the proposition that business advocacy groups should advocate for more than tax cuts.   Hit the jump for the details. 

If you are interested in joining in time to get the member rate for the ASBC business summit in Washington this June, let me know. Also, there will be a DBSR steering committee within the next two weeks. If you want to be involved with that email me at the email address located at the bottom of this post.

Join Delaware Businesses for Social Responsibility (DBSR) to help build a stronger, more business and community friendly Delaware

There is a widespread awareness in the Delaware business community that a well-run state government and successful communities are “good for business.”  Unfortunately, business groups, which claims to speak on behalf of Delaware businesses,  too often follow an extreme agenda that is primarily concerned with lowering Delaware taxes paid by large multi-national corporations.

These groups routinely support damaging tax cuts for the wealthiest companies, which have the downstream effect of undermining successful social programs such as  Medicare, and damage our communities by cutting funding for teachers and first responders.

These short-sighted financial policies are certainly not policies that benefit the broader Delaware’s business community or the middle-class Delawareans that depend on Delaware’s small businesses. There is a strong desire in the business community to ensure that Delaware’s legislature does not view all questions related to our business environment through the narrow, intensely ideological lens of organizations like the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce.

The DBSR Concept:

DBSR members believe that laws which recognize equality, support fairness, and promote our state’s infrastructure and quality of life lead to a strong business environment.

Therefore, our mission is to foster a business environment in Delaware that advances a business ethic that values multiple bottom lines—economic, social, and environmental .

We pursue our mission through:

Public Influence

Initiating tangible change in public policy that combats exploitation and promotes sustainability. We work to capture the inherent power of business to represent socially responsible ideals to legislative bodies, news media, and the general public.


We provide concrete resources and information to help improve our members’ business practices.


DBSR members represent innovative businesses and organizations who share the common goal of conducting business with high standards for employees, their communities, and the environment.

We ask everyone considering membership to take a moment before joining to reflect on our mission and our multiple bottom-line approach, and consider how your own business ethics and goals will provide a positive addition to DBSR’s membership.


$30 – Student – For Full- and Part-Time Students of Accredited Institutions

$100 – Friend – Individual membership and start-up businesses (start-up businesses will be eligible for the $100 rate for the first 2 years)

$190 – Basic Member – Small companies or organizations

$500 – Basic Member – Medium to large sized companies or organizations

$1,000 – Gold Member – Established and successful companies or organizations

$5,000 – Champion – Our sustaining members

This document is a work in progress. If you want to have a say in the development of the DBSR, join the steering committee by emailing me at

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