Delaware Liberal

Coons weighs in on the O’Donnelling of Lugar

I guess Coons is the go to guy to get a quote from whenever teabaggers fire another few rounds at their feet.

Coons: Tea Party Helping Dems Hold The Senate

Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE), who trounced Christine O’Donnell in a landslide in 2010, told TPM that by continuing to nominate hard-right candidates, Republicans are boosting Democrats’ hopes of keeping the Senate majority.

“I think voters have shown over and over that whenever either party nominates people who are well outside the boundaries of the mainstream consensus of American politics, ultimately they’re not successful in the general election, Coons told TPM in the Capitol Thursday. “And I think the outcome of the primary in Indiana may well continue to prove that pattern. For the people of Indiana to lose the service of Sen. Lugar, who has for so long been such a strong contributor on foreign policy, I think, will prove to be a real loss for them because I think this makes it likely that Congressman Donnelly will be the winner.”


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