Now Watch the Racists Really Go Nuts

Filed in National by on May 17, 2012

For the last several decades, the Republican Party has become the home of the angry whites who hate, just hate, that they have to share the country with other “inferior” races. And as those “inferior” races, taken together, kept growing in number and constituted more and more of the population of the United States, the angry they got. And whoa boy, we have seen how angry they got after a member of the “inferior” races was elected President!! “How dare he be elected!! He is not American because he is not white.”

Well, hang onto your heads, ladies and gentlemen. Last year, for the first time in the history of the United States, non-white births outnumbered white births 50.4% to 49.6%, according to the New York Times, quoting Census Bureau data released Thursday.

White people, or Caucasians still an overwhelming majority of the overall population – 63.4 percent. But in two generations, this will be a non-majority country, where no race or ethnic group will have a majority. So the question for the Republicans will be, do they want to follow the policies of Apartheid South Africa to preserve the America they knew, or will they just accept the America that is.

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  1. jason330 says:

    If one parent is white and one is non-white, does each group pick up a 0.5 ?

  2. cassandra_m says:

    In the United States of America? really? There are two answers here:

    1. The pickup goes to the group the kid self-declares he or she is a part of.

    2. The pickup goes to the group that white people perceive you as. As in, *you* try to hail a cab in that skin.

  3. walt says:

    The stat goes non-white in the event of a half, unless its Tiger Woods or President Obama.

  4. socialistic ben says:

    They’ll die off and soon America will be a place where liberals and conservatives of all colours makes dehumanizing statements about each other. ahhh the Dream realized.

  5. Liberal Elite says:

    It’s only a matter of time before Texas goes blue. The GOP (as we know it) is going to go nuts when that happens.

    You know what might be fun? Take DD’s electoral map, and make an adjustment on each state based on predicted increase in minority voting.

    The following states would switch to blue: TX, AZ, NC, FL, and maybe even GA, based on minority voting increases. A traditional GOP candidate will have one heck of a time getting elected, even if he’s polling even on a national scale.

  6. Davy says:

    @Liberal Elite: This trend depends on the continued viability of immigration as a wedge issue.

    In general, Latino-Americans are social conservatives that want immigration reform.