Delaware Liberal

Back to the Tracking Poll

Starting today, we will once again be doing our tracking poll, a completely unscientific and non-random sampling of our readers who voluntarily chose to vote in the online poll. So with all those caveats, the poll will be simply for entertainment purposes only, or, if you will, informative only as to who DL readers will be voting for.

Unlike our prior tracking where we asked only about your opinions on one candidate at a time, this time, and continuining on until the primary and general elections, we will be asking about one office at a time. Yes, horse racing time is here. Here are the offices we will be polling over the next few days:

Governor: Jack Markell (D) v. Jeff Cragg (R).

A little note here. We have heard that Magnolia resident Doug Beatty plans to primary Governor Markell for some unknown reason. Based on our own interactions with Mr. Beatty over the last several days, which were disturbing to say the least, we do not take his rumored candidacy seriously, and if he were to run, he would be nothing more than a crackpot candidate that would be destroyed by Markell in a primary.

Lt. Governor: Matt Denn (D) v. Sher Valenzuela (R)

Insurance Commissioner–Democratic Primary: Karen Weldin Stewart (D) v. Mitch Crane (D) v. Paul Gallagher (D) v. Dennis Spivack (D)

Insurance Commissioner–Republican Primary: Ben Mobley (R) v. James Van Houtten (R)

U.S. Congress–Republican Primary: Tom Kovach (R) v. Rose Izzo (R)

U.S. Congress: John Carney (D) v. Tom Kovach (R)

U.S. Congress: John Carney (D) v. Rose Izzo (R)

U.S. Senator: Tom Carper (D) v. Kevin Wade (R)

Carper also has a primary with a Keith somebody. I may poll that race if the Keith person gets some traction.

County Executive–Democratic Primary: Bill Shahan (D) v. Tom Gordon (D) v. Paul Clark (D)

County Council President–Democratic Primary: Bill Dunn (D) v. Christopher Bullock (D) v. Renee Tanscher (D)

We will start off with the County Executive Democratic Primary Race.

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