Delaware Liberal

Christine O’Donnell Got Hauled into Court Today.

Christine O’Donnell is in a Delaware courtroom today for a civil suit involving an alleged debt that she and/or her campaign owes Attorney Jonathan Moseley, a former supporter and campaign worker of hers, who used to comment here quite regularly. As we posted last October, Christine O’Donnell was the one to file suit, seeking a declaratory judgment concerning the dispute. Moseley, an attorney in Virginia, has demanded $18,250 for work and expenses he incurred in 2011 and in 2008 in her race against Joe Biden for the Senate.

As we reported at the time, October 2011, Moseley was still raising money on his website, supposedly from Christine O’Donnell’s diehard supporters, to pay himself, and in the pitch for contributions, had this to say:

There remain legal claims for unpaid bills against Christine O’Donnell, long after her U.S. Senate campaign and her legal defense against unfair demands for her criminal prosecution ended. Would you be willing donate to help pay off these invoices so she does not have to mount a new (and public) legal defense against new claims against her?

Not only are there unpaid expenses, debts, and claims, but now it is going to get even worse with legal bills to fight over those items. Having a public, legal fight can only enrich the lawyers and not help our conservative cause.

Do you think the campaign’s Treasurer should pay those who actually did the work for Christine O’Donnell’s campaign and who researched and discovered the truth about allegations against her?

Or should the Treasurer pay new lawyers to fight against those who actually performed work for Christine O’Donnell and her defense, by raising legal technicalities to cheat those who worked out of their hard-earned money? Should ‘Friends of Christine O’Donnell’ search for ways to avoid paying those who actually did work for Christine O’Donnell’s campaign?

Christine O’Donnell says she worries about those who donated to her campaign, how they will feel about the way money is spent. But surely those donors do not want to see their money used for litigation against Christine O’Donnell’s own supporters and workers! [….]

On October 12, 2011, Christine O’Donnell told me, Jonathon Moseley, that there will not be enough money in her campaign committee “Friends of Christine O’Donnell” to pay disputed claims from her campaign and the legal, public, and political defense after her campaign in 2011.

Christine told me that she may have to use her personal funds, which are very limited, to pay for lawyers.

Back to the present. According to WDEL:

Moseley testified he only wanted the money if sufficient funds were raised. He claims in 2010, O’Donnell raised more than enough, in fact millions with which to pay him. But O’Donnell’s attorney Rich Abbott claims records and e-mails show Moseley was paid in full and owed nothing. Abbott also attacked Moseley’s character, pointing to ethics violations Moseley was found guilty of in Virginia.

O’Donnell, who will testify along with her treasurer and ex-campaign manager Matt Moran, calls Moseley’s efforts “rogue by a needy person who wants to feel relevant.”

Oh, Christine….. have you ever heard of “projection?”

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