Carney speaks at a 9th grade level – Coons speaks at a 13th grade level – Carper speaks at a 9th grade level

Filed in Delaware by on May 22, 2012

Fairly predicable. Coons is the erudite egghead in the bunch. Carney knows enough words to give a good pep talk to a JV football team and after 80 years in politics, Carper naturally speaks down to everyone. These are the findings of Sunlight Labs which crunched the numbers. Among their macro-findings, Congress talk more dumb this year.

Today’s Congress speaks at about a 10.6 grade level, down from a high of 11.5 in 2005. By comparison, the U.S. Constitution is written at a 17.8 grade level, the Federalist Papers at a 17.1 grade level and the Declaration of Independence at a 15.1 grade level. The Flesch-Kincaid test was used to conduct the analysis, which equates higher-grade levels with longer words and longer sentences.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Liberal Elite says:

    Writing (e.g. U.S. Constitution) always looks more advanced than unprepared speech… and as you know, most of Congress is unprepared.

    The highest Congressional grade level was 16th grade, and the lowest was 7th grade. The bottom 10 were all either Souther Republicans or Republicans from Wisconsin… and all as stupid as s**t. Who elects these fools?

  2. John Young says:

    So,under Obama, Congress is more stupider?

  3. Anita Chariw says:

    No wonder I relate better to Coons–lol!

  4. Aoine says:

    Yep coz the republicans came in under OBAMA in 2010- mostly the ( as we now know uneducated t-baggers)

    Prior to 2010 and Under bush the obviously more educated Dems controlled congress- remember?

  5. John Young says:


  6. jason330 says:

    Some of this is probably due to the fact that the Congress has been occupying itself with stupid bullshit for the past few years in lieu of work. I’m frankly surprised that the GOP hasn’t tried to bring back flag burning as an issue.

  7. ek says:

    Give it time, Jason. The election cycle is young.

  8. Valentine says:

    I’ve been told the average voter is at an 8th grade level or was it 6th grade…

  9. Correction Aoine, the Congress in 2005 under Bush was Republican dominated.

    What would be really depressing is the idea that our education system has deteriorated to the point that something written as such as simple level as the Constitution or for mass reading like the Federalist is considered Master level reading.