Poll Results — The Dark Side is too powerful

Filed in Delaware by on May 23, 2012

I will give Tom Gordon credit…. he has minions who follow his every edict, and those minions are pretty internet savy.

If the election were held today, who are you voting for in the Democratic Primary for NCCo. Executive?

Tom Gordon — 188 –54%
Paul Clark — 97 — 28%
Bill Shahan — 50 — 14%
Undecided — 13 — 4%

Total Votes: 348
Started: May 21, 2012

I will make this pronouncement: If Tom Gordon wins the Democratic nomination for New Castle County Executive, I will leave the Delaware Democratic Party.

Now, onto the next poll on the New Castle County Council President race. Vote now.

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    God, look at his face. He even looks like the Emperor.

  2. jason330 says:

    Oh shit. We need to leave the party when a-holes win nominations now?

  3. Valentine says:

    It’s better to stay and fight, imo.

  4. I was reading on an earlier thread where this poll can be repeatedly hit by the same person if a few tricks are employed.

    That seems more likely than the idea of an army of minions at Tom’s command. Prolly just the few determined soldiers who post here anonymously.

  5. puck says:

    We’ll have to think up a new nickname for Delaware Dem.

  6. puck says:

    At least he didn’t threaten to walk naked down Main Street.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    We’ll have a contest.

  8. So, Friday is the last day for changing political parties for the primary. I invite the GOP to come out and vote for Bill Shahan. 🙂

  9. Dana Garrett says:

    I think your polls should include the option of “None of the above” because if even if you do cast a vote in some races, you might be inclined to vote for no one in other races. It would also be a good way to gauge and convey voter dissatisfaction with all the fielded candidates.

  10. anony000 says:

    I know I’m not going to make any friends with what I’m about to say but, I am likely going to vote for Gordon. Yes, if Shahan were stronger, I’d go with him.

    What I will NOT do is vote for Paul Clark! Why? Because I’m a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT. Clark is a phony. He’s a Republican. He’s the puppet of big business. He’s anti union. Anti regulation. Pro big business. He dresses like a Republican. Talks like a Republican and governs like a Republican. There’s nothing that he’s done that indicates to me that he’s a Democrat in anything but name only.

  11. I agree that Clark is a Chamber of Commerce friend of big business and not much recognizable as a DEM. That goes for so many of our BlueDog DINOs of Delaware.

    I thank goodness for the progressives and liberals who keep their voices active and their pocketbooks open to the alternative DEM candidates.

  12. @anony000–

    What makes you think Gordon is “pro-union”? Gordon uses union members to meet his needs. He’ll throw them a bone if they pull through for him.

    I’ll never vote for Paul Clark, but his wardrobe has nothing to do with it. You say Clark “dresses like a Republican”. I beg to differ. Clark is a douchebag, but he’s a douchebag in business attire. Republicans dress like douchebags. Don’t take MY word for it…attend point to point next year & take it all in for yourself.

    My opinion–Paul Clark is all about lining Paul Clark’s pockets. Tom Gordon is all about amassing power for Tom Gordon. The difference between the two is Gordon can actually run the County. Unfortunately, Gordon is a convicted criminal and a serial abuser of power.

    We don’t need Gordon or Clark. Why do Delaware Democrats put up with such shitty candidates? Why do NCC voters continue to elect “emperors”, thieves and morons?

  13. Booger1 says:

    @Nancy Willing – Who are you supporting? You appear to be flip-flopping on who you are supporting! On the TNJ article about Gordon running, you put your support behind him (Gordon). On DE Liberal you support Shahan. I wonder what we will find on another site, your support for Clark!

  14. Truth Seeker says:

    @ Booger, I agree! I called Nancy out on that on another comment section. For someone who is an avid blogger on political issues, you’d think she’d be more decisive on her stance. With that said, I have to admit I had my battle w/who to vote for, Shahan or Gordon. I want to support who has the best shot at winning. I think that will be Gordon. Shahan is a great guy, and to use a piece of Christine O’Donnell’s lame commercial ad, he really is one of “you”. I just think he should gain experience at a lower level position. @Anony000, don’t fool yourself on political affiliation, both Gordon and Shahan were Republicans until they learned that their best shot to get elected is to switch. Party affiliation and what they stand for is just not what it once was.

  15. Geezer says:

    “What I will NOT do is vote for Paul Clark! Why? Because I’m a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT. Clark is a phony.”

    You can put Tom Gordon into that paragraph with ease. Tom Gordon is no liberal Democrat.

    You’ll notice that the Gordon astroturfing continues apace. Re-elect Gordon and you’ll get four more years of media manipulation and bullying, and don’t be surprised when he comes after his critics by illegally using DELJIS.

  16. JPconnorjr says:

    Del Dem youbwill be missed.

  17. cpj says:

    TOM WILL WIN!!!!!!!

  18. Booger, I am greatly relieved to have Tom Gordon run so he can kick some Pam Scott-Paul Clarky ass. Bill Shahan was not able to pull off the to-the-point Clark is an unethical sleezebag nor enunciate exactly how Clark and co. have decimated the UDC. We need Gordon in there to draw the blood in the water.

    I understand that one or the other will get out before the end and the person remaining on the ballot with Clark will get my vote.

    As for the idiot whose real identity is known to all, I didn’t see you calling me out on anything. linkee?

  19. Truth Seeker says:

    I know you’re not calling me the idiot you speak of? What’s up with all this name calling anyway. If it makes you feel better, then name call away. No one knows who I am because I don’t know who any of you are…well except my man Geezer. @ JPconnerJr, NICE!!!!