Wednesday Daily Delawhere [5.23.12]

Filed in Delaware by on May 23, 2012

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  1. JP Connor Jr says:

    restaurant with highest traffic count in DE Border Cafe

  2. Peep Show says:

    People are getting real tired of the GOP. The war on women, workers,minorities and so on is going to hurt them real bad. Then they nominate a Mormon which is no well taken by Southerns is going to hurt the down ticket big time. I’m saying Obama will take Mississippi, Georgia for sure. The white women in those states know that the GOP is crap and has crapped all over them. The two toothed Red Neck will bring West Virginia in for the GOP because they don’t eat white eggs that come from a black hen and they always vote against their own self intrests. Most Americans don’t want a diet of Fish Heads and Rice and that is what the GOP’s game plan is and who is going to vote for that? West Virginia.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    Is that true, JP? That’s interesting. I wonder why.

  4. What does that have to do with great guacamole and the cheapest skirt steak in the state, Peep Show?

    I love Border Cafe!

  5. jason330 says:

    DD, it must be the sign imploring people to EAT.

  6. Valentine says:

    What’s wrong with fish heads and rice? 😛

  7. jpconnorjr says:

    Del Dem, it was a commercial real estate reference, sorry, means largest number of cars passing. I can’t think of anyplace higher.
    Maybe Peep Show was referring to removing a skirt steak:)

  8. Delaware Dem says:

    I imagine then that all the restaurants in that area have a high rating, since that is where Rt. 58, Rt. 4, Rt. 7, Rt. 1 and I-95 all come together.

  9. jpconnorjr says:

    Yep, but the rest are chains Border is unique and it does have great Guac!

  10. Geezer says:

    JP: The only cars passing the site are on Del. 1, and even then only southbound. For a retail establishment, it doesn’t matter how many cars pass if the drivers can’t see your establishment.

    If you don’t believe me, ask anyone foolish enough to enter a rental agreement with Keith Stoltz.

  11. jpconnorjr says:

    There is signalized access for both directions that is easy to use judging from the perpetually filled parking lot. But if you want a sideways reason to slam somebody don’t let me stop ya:)

  12. liberalgeek says:

    It is one of my favorite lunch spots. Good food, quick and attentive service and I can get out of there for about $10 including tip.

    It IS a chain. I tried one in Boston very close to Harvard Square. But it behaves much better than most chains.

  13. Geezer says:

    JP: I honestly don’t know what standards the industry uses, but the Fresh Fields experience in the Greenville Center indicates to me that they were misled about how many customers would see their new store. Sure, you can get off 141 at Greenville. But you can’t see the center from 141, meaning that “drive-by” traffic exists more in theory than in practice.

    Full parking lots at chain restaurants are common (and so is the taste of the people filling the parking lots). See the Concord Pike chain-restaurant farm for evidence.

  14. V says:

    do you guys all actually call this place “The Border Cafe?” We’ve always just called it EAT and everyone knows what we’re talking about.

  15. JPConnorJr says:

    Commercial leasing can be complicated and is detail intense. Any business person who goes forward without adeequate due diligence and representation to determine sight lines, traffic flow, traffic count, access to the site, etc etc etc etc. is taking a great risk.