Delaware Liberal

Friday’s Polling Report [5.25.12]

Holy poll drop, Batman. New presidential polls in Ohio, Virginia, Florida and Wisconsin change our map dramatically. The new map in question. Yes, I am putting it at the top now, and also in the excerpt section you see on the front page.

Obama 310, Romney 170, Tossup 58

NATIONAL–PRESIDENT (Gallup Tracking): Obama 47, Romney 46

NATIONAL–PRESIDENT (Rasmussen Tracking): Obama 45, Romney 44

NATIONAL–PRESIDENT (YouGov): Obama 46, Romney 42


Some wingnut commenter said that Romney was going to win California, I guess because he has a mansion with a car elevator there. Well, for now, California stays Strong Obama.

FLORIDA–PRESIDENT (NBC News/Marist): Obama 45, Romney 40

A five point lead, moves Florida into the lean Obama camp.

MASSACHUSETTS–PRESIDENT (Suffolk University): Obama 59, Romney 34

His home state, where they know Romney best. And they hate him.

NORTH CAROLINA–PRESIDENT (National Research for the right-leaning Civitas Institute): Romney 47, Obama 45

A two point lead for Romney keeps NC a tossup.

OHIO–PRESIDENT (NBC News/Marist): Obama 48, Romney 42

A six point lead moves Ohio to lean Obama status.

VIRGINIA–PRESIDENT (NBC News/Marist): Obama 48, Romney 44

Being that this is only a 4 point lead, it moves Virginia into tossup status.

WISCONSIN–PRESIDENT (Reason-Rupe): Obama 46, Romney 36, Gary Johnson 6

I wish more polls listed Gary Johnson as an option. 5-6 points is nothing to sneeze at. If 2 points for Nader cost Gore the election, 5-6 points for Johnson can turn a close reelection for Obama into a landslide. Here, in Wisconsin, it turned a lean Obama state into a strong Obama state.

FLORIDA–SENATOR (NBC News/Marist): Sen. Bill Nelson (D) 46, Connie Mack (R) 42

HAWAII–SENATOR (PPP for the League of Conservation Voters): Mazie Hirono (D) 50, Linda Lingle (R) 41


MASSACHUSETTS–SENATOR (Suffolk University): Sen. Scott Brown (R) 48, Elizabeth Warren (D) 47

OHIO–SENATOR (NBC News/Marist): Sen. Sherrod Brown (D) 51, Josh Mandel (R) 37

PENNSYLVANIA–SENATOR (Rasmussen): Sen. Bob Casey (D) 48, Tom Smith (R) 41

VIRGINIA–SENATOR (NBC News/Marist): Tim Kaine (D) 49, George Allen (R) 43

This is the first poll I have seen of this race where it wasn’t a tie.

WISCONSIN–GOVERNOR (Garin-Hart-Yang for Barrett): Gov. Scott Walker (R) 50, Tom Barrett (D) 48

Yes, it’s a Barrett poll, but maybe this race ain’t over yet.

WISCONSIN–GOVERNOR (Reason-Rupe): Gov. Scott Walker (R) 50, Tom Barrett (D) 42

Then again, maybe it is.

WI-GOV (We Ask America): Gov. Scott Walker (R) 54, Tom Barrett (D) 42

Yeah, it really is.

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