Delaware Liberal

Question of the Day

If inter-racial marriage was against the views of Kevin Kelley’s faith, would he be against it?

The reason I ask the question:

During Wednesday night’s debate at Trinity Episcopal Church, that meant fielding a surprise question about his views on gay marriage[.] “My faith does not support gay marriage,” said Kelley, who is Catholic. “My faith says that gay marriage should be between a man and a woman.”

Kelley quickly realized his cross-up and took a chance to start over. The longtime city councilman said that while he does not support gay marriage, civil unions could be a “way to go if you feel that you have a partner you want to share your life with.”

Some may view this question unfair. But I have come to despise people hiding behind religion as an excuse to deny people equality. And I really despise the doctrines of one religion dictating government policy. Call me crazy, but that is unconstitutional. If you religiously oppose gay marriage, Mr. Kelley, that’s fine. Don’t enter into a gay marriage. No one is forcing you.

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