Delaware Liberal

Saturday’s Polling Report [5.26.12]

We got polls out of Georgia and Indiana!!! That never happens.

NATIONAL–PRESIDENT (Gallup Tracking): Obama 47, Romney 46

NATIONAL–PRESIDENT (Rasmussen Tracking): Romney 45, Obama 44

GEORGIA–PRESIDENT (Insider Advantage): Romney 52, Obama 40

Georgia stays as a Strong Romney state.

INDIANA–PRESIDENT (Rasmussen): Romney 48, Obama 42

This poll confirms Indiana’s status as a Lean Romney state.

INDIANA–SENATOR (Rasmussen): Joe Donnelly (D) 42, Richard Mourdock (R) 42

Thanks teabaggers, again.

WISCONSIN–GOVERNOR (Garin-Hart-Yang for Barrett): Gov. Scott Walker (R) 50, Tom Barrett (D) 49

WISCONSIN–GOVERNOR (Mellman Group for the DGA): Gov. Scott Walker (R) 49, Tom Barrett (D) 46

Hmmmm. I didn’t hear any Fat Lady.

Yesterday we saw the new NBC / Marist Polls in Virginia, Ohio and Florida. Aside from the top lines, we have other results from that poll that are interesting. In almost all issue areas, Obama leads. Social Issues like abortion, contraception and same sex marriage, Obama is viewed as the better candidate to handle them. Same thing for foreign policy and the economy. The only issue area where Romney leads is the “the national debt,” which is ironic since Romney would add untold trillions to the debt with his massive tax cuts and continued wars on Afghanistan and Iran.

But the most interesting finding is this:

Do you think the current economic conditions are mostly something President Obama inherited or are they mostly a result of his own policies?


Inherited: 56
Obama policies: 37


Inherited: 57
Obama policies: 35


Inherited: 57
Obama policies: 36

Republican efforts over the last four years in trying to place all of the blame of the Great Recession on the President (which was a stretch since he was not President when it began in December 2007) have failed. Voters still remember the worst President in human history, George W. Bush, which is why Romney avoids him like the plague. The very thin needle that Romney has to thread is to make Obama out to be an incompetent who has not made the economy better fast enough (he cannot say that Obama has not made the economy better, since he has).

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