Contrary to our resident teabagger RustyDils, the President has a 19 point lead in California. No, Rusty, car elevators do not endear Romney to Californians. Meanwhile, Michigan becomes strong Obama territory, and Obama takes a slight lead in Colorado, although not a big enough lead for Colorado to lose its Toss up status.
Polls are now calling cell phones, in addition to landlines, and the findings resulting from that points out another generational gap.
In our NBC-Marist poll of Florida, Romney leads with landline respondents, 48%-45%. But Obama leads among cell phone respondents, 57%-34%. And in Virginia, Romney’s up one among landline folks, 47%-46%, while Obama is up 54%-36% with cell users. (By the way, 28% of our interviews in OH and FL were conducted on cell phone; 27% in VA.)
If you are older, you are more likely to have a landline only. If you are younger, you are more likely to have a cell phone only.
Here are some more internal finds that I find interesting from last week’s Washington Post / ABC News Poll:
Who do you think would do more to advance the economic interests of middle class Americans, Obama or Romney?
Obama: 51
Romney: 42Who do you think would do more to advance the economic interests of wealthy Americans, Obama or Romney?
Obama: 24
Romney: 65Who do you think would do more to advance the economic interests of financial institutions, Obama or Romney?
Obama: 32
Romney: 56
Obama = the fighter for the middle class and the working man. Romney = the fighter for the wealthy and the banks.
NATIONAL–PRESIDENT (Gallup Tracking): Obama 47, Romney 45
NATIONAL–PRESIDENT (Rasmussen Tracking): Obama 46, Romney 45
CALIFORNIA–PRESIDENT (LA Times/USC): Obama 56, Romney 37
COLORADO–PRESIDENT (Project New America): Obama 48, Romney 44
MICHIGAN–PRESIDENT (PPP): Obama 53, Romney 39
FLORIDA–GOVERNOR (2014) (Florida Opinion Research): Charlie Crist (D) 48, Gov. Rick Scott (R) 34
MISSOURI–SENATOR (PPP): Todd Akin (R) 45, Sen. Claire McCaskill (D) 44; McCaskill 44, Sarah Steelman (R) 44; McCaskill 46, John Brunner (R) 44
MISSOURI–SENATOR–REPUBLICAN PRIMARY (PPP): Sarah Steelman 28, John Brunner 25, Todd Akin 23
NEW MEXICO–SENATOR–DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY (Albuquerque Journal): Martin Heinrich 51, Hector Balderas 26
NEW MEXICO–SENATOR–REPUBLICAN PRIMARY (Albuquerque Journal): Heather Wilson 66, Greg Sowards 20
NORTH CAROLINA–GOVERNOR (National Research–R): Pat McCrory (R) 48, Walter Dalton (D) 38
If Hillary Clinton is not our presumptive nominee in 2016 (and I think she will be), conventional wisdom holds that we are due for an epic primary without a clear frontrunner. Well, maybe not. A new Quinnipiac poll in New York shows that Governor Cuomo has a 71% to 16% approval rating. Most popular governor in America.