Delaware Liberal

TV Viewers Turn Off “Fox News Lite” In Droves

I don’t watch any TV news because if you know a little bit about what is going on, you know what complete garbage TV news has become. Seriously, if I happen to be in the same room as a TV tuned to say… ABC’s version of the evening news, I can’t make it two minutes before yell, “Way to quote “The Club for Growth” like it is a legitimate source you morons!” This is distracting to other TV watchers, who don’t know that ABC news is quoting right-wing press releases as though they landed some kind of scoop.

Some people I know used to watch CNN, but when ratings started to fall, CNN thought they’d retool as “the other Fox News” which was a f#cking stupid idea on so many levels. Now they are paying the price for that stupidity.

CNN Primetime Ratings Hit 20-Year Monthly Low

CNN hit a 20-year primetime ratings low in May, an expected dive for the cable news network after it posted its worst weekly ratings in two decades earlier in the month.

CNN had its lowest month primetime total viewers since October 1991. It also had its second lowest-rated month in more than 20 years in the 25-to-54 demographic most important to news advertisers.

via TPM

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