Archive for May, 2012

Mitt Romney’s Pattern of Homophobia

Filed in National by on May 11, 2012 37 Comments

There’s been lots of debate over whether Mitt Romney’s teenager years as a bully are fair game, but what I find interesting is that it shows a pattern of homophobia over many years.

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Laird Stabler Brings The Funny

Filed in National by on May 11, 2012 23 Comments

Payday loan lobbyist Laird Stabler has a hilarious op-ed about how inclusive the Republican Party is.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [5.11.12]

Filed in Delaware by on May 11, 2012 6 Comments
Friday Daily Delawhere [5.11.12]

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Sheriff Christopher v. Sussex County

Filed in Delaware by on May 10, 2012 113 Comments

A little birdie sent in this court filing last night.  In it, Sussex County Sheriff Jeff Christopher is filing suit against Sussex County.  It is full of craziness, including the Magna Carta, English Common Law and Posse Comitatus. Today, Sussex County responded in a press release. My favorite part of the press release is the […]

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Thursday Open Thread [5.10.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on May 10, 2012 4 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [5.10.12]


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Romney was a psychotic bully in High School

Filed in National by on May 10, 2012 59 Comments

The Washington Post reports on how Mitt Romney, when he was a young adult at 18 years of age, was a homophobic bully who beat up and assaulted people he thought were different that he was.

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Continued Reaction

Filed in National by on May 10, 2012 12 Comments

I have been busy this morning reading through all of the reactions from readers of TPM and Andrew Sullivan that were posted by each blog, as well as the reactions of others columnists and bloggers and opinion makers, etc. Here are a few that stood out to me.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show, Thurs., May 10, 2012

Filed in National by on May 10, 2012 23 Comments

The Sheriff of Nuttingham and His Posse Comatosis could be nearing the end of their lawless reign. HB 325(Schwartzkopf), which would make clear that would-be Wyatt Earps can’t mete out their own brand of frontier justice in the untamed badlands of Sussex County, cleared the House Administration Committee, and is on today’s House agenda. It will pass overwhelmingly. The only question is whether any of the bill’s original downstate House R sponsors will vote for the bill they had previously sponsored. My prediction? Most of them won’t, and will go Not Voting, the ultimate cojone-less copout.

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Mitch Crane kicks off his Campaign today in Dover

Filed in Delaware by on May 10, 2012 69 Comments

It starts at 12:30 over at the Old State House on the Green in Dover. Mitch will be joined by a number of legislators who already support his candidacy to unseat the incompetent advocate for the insurance industry, Karen Weldin Stewart. Indeed, I am told that a few legislators plan to announce their support today at the kickoff.

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Thursday Polling Report [5.10.12]

Filed in National by on May 10, 2012 5 Comments
Thursday Polling Report [5.10.12]

So how does a President’s embrace of same sex marriage play in our polling world? The real answer to the question is no one knows because it has never happened before. Will Obama lose states because of his support of same sex marriage? Maybe. North Carolina probably got a little harder to win, since the CW is “well they just banned gay marriage by 20 points, that must mean Obama will lose North Carolina by 20 points now, right?”


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The Day After

Filed in National by on May 10, 2012 5 Comments

While the newspapers, websites, and cable news channels are filled with chatter and some analysis about President Obama’s support of gay marriage, there is still a long way to go.

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The One Where I Profess My Manlove for Shep Smith

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on May 10, 2012 2 Comments

Shep Smith, once again, shows his awesomeness.

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How Much Don’t West Virginians Like Obama?

Filed in National by on May 10, 2012 8 Comments
How Much Don’t West Virginians Like Obama?

West Virginians don’t like President Obama so much 41% of them voted for a felon with a mullet.

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